Explain why Big Data is one of the fastest-growing marketing techniques for online retailers.

Find a site that discusses big data. One of the richest fields for applying the benefits of a relational database is in the area of Big Data. If you have ever gone into Amazon, eBay, or any other on-line retail outlet and researched a product, decided to hold off and then gone elsewhere, the next […]

Identify two decisions at the organizations described in this case that were improved by using big data and two decisions that big data did not improve.

Case Study: Does Big Data Provide the Answer? Test your understanding of Module Eight, and complete the Case Study: Does Big Data Provide the Answer? The case can be found in the Managing Information Systems Textbook. What business benefits did the organizations described in this case achieve by analyzing and using big data? Identify two […]

Write a 500-600 word researched essay projecting IT’s influence on the industry you anticipate working in upon graduation

POST: Big Data Write a 500-600 word researched essay projecting IT’s influence on the industry you anticipate working in upon graduation, answering the question below: How will advances in technology impact the industry structure? The essay should have an appropriate introduction, arguments, and conclusion and should generally adhere to APA style of formatting. There is […]

Which of these approaches is best from your perspective as CEO?

Blockchain and Big Data If you were a CEO of a large bank, hospital, or trucking company (choose one) a) Could you use blockchain technology as part of your strategy? b) Could you use big data? c) What about some combination? d) Which of these approaches is best from your perspective as CEO?

Where do you see the use of Big Data and algorithms leading us in business management?

Quantitative Methods 1.) Simply, deceptively simple, what can we learn from the history presented by LePore? 2.) Given the arc of that history, and where we are now (Wylie and O’Neil), where do you see the use of Big Data and algorithms leading us in business management? 3.) As a society?

Discuss at least one potential benefit of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why.Describe at least one potential challenge or risk of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why.

To Prepare: Review the Resources and reflect on the web article Big Data Means Big Potential, Challenges for Nurse Execs. Reflect on your own experience with complex health information access and management and consider potential challenges and risks you may have experienced or observed. By Day 3 of Week 5 Post a description of at least one […]