What is meant by the term alignment in relation to supply chain processes?

1 Bill Gates of Microsoft describes the 2000s as ‘business @ the speed of thought’. Discuss the importance of speed in the supply chain. How can speed be increased within the supply chain? 2 Suggest logistics performance priorities for the following, explaining why you have come to your conclusions: a a low fare airline such […]

How did he propel the company’s vision across the world?

Bill Gates and Microsoft Analyzing the background and how Bill Gates’s decisions affected the company’s future and the world starting with his decision to leave Harvard and the innovation he used throughout the life of his career with Microsoft. To fully understand some of the highlights of the early stage of his career,provide a brief […]

What are your views on the censorship of this and other health-related questions-Is the First Amendment relevant in this connection?

Work of Dr. David Martin and the influence of Bill Gates. 1. First three paragraphs MUST be at least EIGHT sentences each in length (can be longer, can have additional paragraphs; this length is minimum and quite acceptable requirement. 2. You must list at least three specific points the video clip or reading shows that […]