Should the Constitution be amended to remove the birthright citizenship clause currently contained in the 14th Amendment?

U.S Constitutional Amendment Assignment Content Constitutional amendments exist to correct a perceived problem with the existing document. In previous weeks, you examined the Bill of Rights and the process for constitutional amendments. For this assignment, you will consider a possible constitutional amendment.   Choose 1 of the issues listed below. Some are noncontroversial issues for […]

Write an essay of 1,250-1,500 words in which you delineate and analyze the various applications of specific provisions of the Bill of Rights to criminal procedure, of the clause you selected above.

8th amendment The total of words needs to be between 1000-1500. Already have a total of 400 words so you would just need to add about 700 or 600. You would just need to follow the directions below & make sure it sounds good and fits all the criterias. thank you so much Excessive Bail […]

Explain why the Federalists did not want a Bill of Rights, but the anti-Federalists did-Defend your viewpoints on the issues.

Assignment Content Imagine it is 1787. Like many people living in the United States, you hold strong beliefs about the ratification of the proposed U.S. Constitution and have concerns about how this proposed government will affect your community. Being a civic-minded citizen, you have decided to compile and distribute information about the proposed U.S. Constitution. […]

Explain,Should our government guarantee all criminal defendants the right to trial by jury? Think about how the Bill of Rights came into existence, and think about whether the right to trial is still appropriate today. What about the cost of the legal system? Include these three points and any other thoughts you may have in your response.

Topic: CRIMJ 220: Courts and the Prosecution Process Paper details: Should our government guarantee all criminal defendants the right to trial by jury? Think about how the Bill of Rights came into existence, and think about whether the right to trial is still appropriate today. What about the cost of the legal system? Include these […]

Compare and contrast two of the sources of the rights and fundamental principles found in the United States’ legal system as outlined by the text.

The Bill of Rights finds its roots in documents such as the British Magna Carta of 1215 AD. It was one of the first documents that provided the common man independence from a monarch. It did imply that the federal government’s law dominated all others; however, it gave each state control of any laws outside […]