Explain the difference between an eigenvalue and an expectation value

Physical chemistry foe biochemistry II (25 pts) Using the Bohr model, calculate the radius for the electron in the n=1 energy level for a hydrogen atom (1 proton and 1 electron) and a helium cation (2 protons, 2 neutrons and 1 electron). Explain why the radii are either the same or different. (20 pts) Explain […]

Which impact/effect does this or might this effect have on the biological function of this particular protein or enzyme?

Discussion 1: Contemporary Biochemistry-Related Topics In this discussion board (DB), please post a thread and share: From recent news, video, or media, select a biochemistry-related topic that interests you. Write the topic as your header for your original post. Answer the following questions in your original discussion thread: (1) Your impression of the information from […]

What are your biggest takeaways about the role of biochemical processes when you think about your past or current experiences with falling in love (and out of love) and attaching to a partner? 

ARTICLE REVIEW 2 The purpose of this week’s article review essay is to help you demonstrate your understanding of the biochemistry underlying love and attachments. While your Discussion reveals some key psychological models of love, here we begin to focus on the roles of hormones, neurotransmitters, and peptides that allow you to lust, attract, attach […]

What type of molecules are enzymes-Where are they found-How do they work? What are their limitations?

Module Name: Biochemistry Additional supporting information: Essay Questions: Enzymes can be described as biological catalysts that regulate the rate of chemical reactions involved in biological processes. Different types of chemical reactions are catalysed by different classes of enzyme. Using a variety of examples, describe and discuss some of the chemical reactions that enzymes facilitate in […]

Choose an article involving chemistry published within the last six months. Explain how a chemistry topic you learned in this course can be used to understand the chemistry behind this article.

Description Use topic of biochemistry In this final post, you will be applying what you have learned in the class to the real world. Choose an article involving chemistry published within the last six months. Explain how a chemistry topic you learned in this course can be used to understand the chemistry behind this article. […]

Discuss What is it? How does it take place? Explain the glycolytic pathway fully, explain the biochemistry of this pathway. Why does it take place? Where does it take place? What are the treatments available?

Description What is it? How does it take place? Explain the glycolytic pathway fully, explain the biochemistry of this pathway. Why does it take place? Where does it take place? What are the treatments available? The recent research on it. Minimum 15 pages 1/3 of the paper should be images which are copied and pasted. […]

Write a 2-3 page summary of a Recent Research Paper on Biochemistry or Metabolism. Research paper is provided

read and study the paper throughout the term. produce a two to three page SUMMARY of the paper (understandable to first year biology students). In short Write a 2-3 page summary of a Recent Research Paper on Biochemistry or Metabolism. Research paper is provided

What is the likely biochemistry underlying the development of the patient’s problem and resolution of the problem?

1. What is the relevance of the patient’s ethnicity (genetics)? 2. What is the relevance of the patient’s diet (epigenetics)? 3. How do animal studies contribute to our understanding of the problem? 4. Have clinical research studies supported conclusions drawn from animal studies and is there a current clinical consensus regarding genetic factors, epigenetic factors, […]