What are some of the psychological factors that can influence healthy cardiovascular health (as explained in your readings)?

For this discussion, pretend you are creating a wellness plan for someone who is at risk for heart disease. In your plan, address the following points to help guide the person into making healthy lifestyle decisions: Diet: What should the person eat? What should they avoid? Social factors: What are some of the social factors […]

Write different programs are implemented by global organizations and even hospital settings to help the ageing population navigate through life at ease.

Write a reply to the post below Geriatrics is a term used in healthcare to describe a medical care given to older individuals. According to a study conducted by Besdine (2019), older people are considered to be those above 65 years of age though a majority of them does not require geriatric care until when […]

What are some techniques for “performing” gender identity that people use?

Topic: Nature, Nurture, and Gender Identity Sociologists and other social scientists have long been skeptical of biological explanations of social life, and many continue to be so despite advances in the integration of biological and social research. One classic example of the debate between nature and nurture is that of gender identity formation. First, consider […]

How sociological positivism differ from biological or psychological positivism?

Topic: How sociological positivism differ from biological or psychological positivism? Write at least a 2-page essay about how does sociological positivism differ from biological or psychological positivism?” Remember to incorporate a Biblical worldview section. The paper should be in APA format and have at least three references.  

Why are many people hesitant to talk about their sexual anatomy using biological terms?

Topic: Male and Female Reproductive System Pull up a picture of the male anatomy and the female anatomy Write a paragraph (at least 4-5 sentences): What anatomy names did you not know? Which was harder to draw or create and why? Did anything surprise you? Why are many people hesitant to talk about their sexual […]

Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomics might influence one’s perspective on the value of psychotherapy treatments.

Biological Basis and Ethical/Legal Considerations of Psychotherapy Explanation of whether psychotherapy has a biological basis. Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomics might influence one’s perspective on the value of psychotherapy treatments. Describe how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy, and explain how these differences might impact […]

Discuss the biological, psychological, and social factors that need to be considered prior to treatment.

Create your essay in a word document. Save it in a location you will remember and with the following format: Lastname_FirstnameUnit9Assignment. When you are ready to submit it, click on the Assignment Dropbox and submit. his Assignment assesses the following Course Outcomes: PS526-3: Synthesize current studies in substance and process use disorder research to analyze […]

How do these issues affect people and society-How are they affected by technology, society, genetics, and the environment?

Module 6 Final Presentation Instructions: Using the paper from order 741103 as foundation, complete a paper on the Biological Psychology of Poverty in low income students. Here are your headers: – Background of the topic and value of the information to your audience. – Present the neural basis of your topic and highlighting recent research […]

How does strategic system change in healthcare impact mental healthcare regarding addiction?

Social science Factors That Contribute to Addiction Contributing Factors for Addiction Any person is prone to addiction regardless of their background and beliefs; however, some people are more to addiction than others. It is therefore prudent to assume that regardless of one’s upbringing, several factors can increase the risk of one being addicted. From a […]

Are individuals with addictive behaviour demonstrate strong responses to drug clues through a learning process compared to other group populations?

Biological and Cognitive Psychology The research question is: Are individuals with addictive behaviour demonstrate strong responses to drug clues through a learning process compared to other group populations?