What would you estimate the change in black bear population size would be for the following year?

Your task is to complete the questions in the problem set. Read each question carefully and identify your given values. Show the formulas and calculations used to solve each problem. Questions In one year, biologists tracking a bear population counted 33 new bear cubs in a population of 546 bears. Calculate the birth rate (b) […]

How does this process compare with that used by biologists in determining the size of a future salmon spawn?

Population Growth Model How do demographers model world population? Is this different from how they model, say, the population of the United States? How does this process compare with that used by biologists in determining the size of a future salmon spawn? Compare and contrast the process demographers use to model human population growth with […]

Discuss The role of nature is important, but its role is quite different than some may assume

1) No; the romantics are not biologists – they do not advocate for anyone to “study” nature; what source are you relying to on this idea? Rethink please. 2) The role of nature is important, but its role is quite different than some may assume – 3) RETHING YOUR INTRODUCTION – IT SEEMS THAT YOU […]