Discuss What happens when mice who are predisposed to allergies are exposed to dust from an Amish farm? What hypothesis was being tested and what did they discover?

NOVA: NOVA Wonders What’s Living in You? Season 45 Episode 102 I 53m 40s Then, answer the following questions. For full credit, your answer should CLEARLY demonstrate that you watched the entire video. • What happens when mice who are predisposed to allergies are exposed to dust from an Amish farm? What hypothesis was being […]

Define genotype, phenotype, ontogeny, and phylogeny in your own words. What is the relationship between genotype, phenotype, ontogenetic development, and phenotypic development? Choose a specific example from the world and walk through each term using that one example (showing the connection and distinction between the terms).

1) Define genotype, phenotype, ontogeny, and phylogeny in your own words. What is the relationship between genotype, phenotype, ontogenetic development, and phenotypic development? Choose a specific example from the world and walk through each term using that one example (showing the connection and distinction between the terms). 2) The motto of HDS is “From cells […]

Describe what resting membrane potential is and how it is established. Then, accurately describe the physiological process of the action potential in the neuron, be sure to include all steps (including rest). You are encouraged to use diagrams to support your explanation just be sure to refer to them closely within your explanations.

Neurophysiology – The Action Potential This topic is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of the physiology of the nervous system. You are welcome to use the suggested headings provided here or include relevant subheadings of your own. To begin, provide a brief introduction to the body’s nervous system. This should include a […]

Summarize the NYT article and what you concluded from reading that alone.Compare the NYT summary to the actual scientific document.

For your own paper, keep it to one typewritten page, single or double spaced. It really only needs to be 3-4 paragraphs long. In the first 1-2 paragraphs, give a summary of the NYT article and what you concluded from reading that alone. Then in the next 1-2 paragraphs, summarize the scientific article for anyone […]

What type of genetic information does this virus carry? (dsDNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, (-)RNA, (+)RNA)Describe

Questions: 1. Virus name: 2. Virus family: 3. Is this virus naked or enveloped? 4. What type of genetic information does this virus carry? (dsDNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, (-)RNA, (+)RNA) 5. Describe the life cycle of a virus. Include all five steps (you may give the generalized virus life cycle). 6. Discuss the host range of […]

Write a short essay identifying and defending five reasons supporting stem cell research and five reasons opposing it.

Paper details: Stem cell research is currently one of the hot-button issues in American politics and society. To gain a better appreciation of the pros and cons concerning the use of stem cells search the Web for information on this topic using the search terms “stem cell and research” or “stem cell and controversy.” Only […]

Which body type is characterized as being a muscular body type? a. endomorphic b. ectomorphic c. mesomorphic

1. Number of calories per gram of carbohydrate? 2. Which sport would carbohydrate loading be best suited for? a. powerlifting b. marathon running c. bowling d. wrestling 3. Pasta, rice, bread, and potatoes are a good source of which macronutrient? a. protein b. water c. carbohydrate d. lipid 4. Which macronutrient is digested the quickest? […]

Using your knowledge of gene expression, how would you design a new drug to treat a patient with COVID-19 in order to stop the virus in their body?

We have just finished a chapter on gene expression, or how genetic information is used to make necessary products in the cell. For your biotechnology project, I’m going to ask everyone to complete 3 things: 1) View the videos and do the activities on gene expression in your biotechnology project folder How fireflies make light […]

Define apoptosis and explain why it is important for a multicellular organism to eliminate abnormal cells.

During mitosis, metaphase, the chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate. Explain why it is important that the chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate. If chromosomes do not line up correctly the cell should be eliminated by apoptosis. Define apoptosis and explain why it is important for a multicellular organism to eliminate abnormal cells.