What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say?Summarize

Build on your annotated bibliography Each group member is expected to add one additional unique article. Choose articles about your organism covering topics from Chapters 6-7. For each article you must answer completely this sentence: This article relates to Chapter _____ because______. Follow guidelines found here: Your annotations must include a summary, assessment, and reflection […]

What structure is produced that allows a new fungus to grow?  What is one thing a zygosporangium able to resist?

Question 1 Identify the taxonomic group that is most exclusive (i.e., most restrictive category). Question 2 (4 points) Distinguish between microevolution and macroevolution with respect to how the outcomes of these processes differ. Question 3 (4 points) What is the term that refers to the origins and evolution of a group of organisms? Question 4 (4 points) How […]

Explain whether or not the hypothesis(es) was supported. How do we know if the numbers in each half indicate that more planarians than could be expected by chance are responding to a stimulus?

Title -Informative. Introduction -Start from general ideas/concepts and finish specific to the experiment with an aim and hypothesis(es). Please write a null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis both Methods-Please refer to setup procedure mentioned below for both experiment Results-Refer to graphs present in the attached document write the results. Discussion -whether or not the hypothesis(es) was […]

What do you already know about the topic based on research and observations?

Title: Name, Class, Exercise, Date Introduction: What do you already know about the topic based on research and observations? Problem: What question are you investigating Hypothesis: What is your proposed explanation for a natural phenomenon. Materials/Methods for Experiment: What did you use? What did you do? Result(s): Information gathered/Raw Data, Drawings (colored pencil), Numbers/Calculations, Positive/Negative […]

Does the earthworm have a closed or open circulatory system?Explain.

Watch the earthworm dissection video and review the earthworm dissection guides As in module for week 7 Complete this activity. Classify the earthworm Domain ___________________ Kingdom _______________ Phylum _______________ Class_____________ Order ________________ Family__________________ Genus ______________ species epithet__________________ Where is the mouth located? ______________________ What is the use of the clitellum? _____________________ Is the earthworm segmented? […]

Write a 2-3 page summary of a Recent Research Paper on Biochemistry or Metabolism. Research paper is provided

read and study the paper throughout the term. produce a two to three page SUMMARY of the paper (understandable to first year biology students). In short Write a 2-3 page summary of a Recent Research Paper on Biochemistry or Metabolism. Research paper is provided

What characteristics of Lake Washington may have contributed to its rapid recovery from eutrophication?

1. List 3 anthropogenic alterations and their dates which have profoundly influenced the biology of Lake Washington (between 1900 and 1994), according to W.T. Edmondson. 2. Daphnia have appeared and disappeared in the last century in Lake Washington. They are a center piece of the lake’s food web. a) Describe Daphnia’s role in the food […]

Discuss the above topic and how it relates to one of the 6 core concepts of biology.

Topic: How cells release stored energy Discuss the above topic and how it relates to one of the 6 core concepts of biology. *your response should be 5-8 sentences* 6 Core Concepts of Biology l Pathways and Transformations of Energy and Matter Information Flow, Exchange, and Storage Evolution Structure and Function A Systems Approach to […]