Discuss in detail the structure and disease process of the pathogens associated with human disease including: fungi, parasites and viruses.

Discuss in detail the structure and disease process of the pathogens associated with human disease including: fungi, parasites and viruses. Outline and discuss the body’s immune system: 1st Line of Immunity, 2nd Line of Immunity and 3rd Line of Immunity (specific or acquired immunity). Explain the phenotypic, genotypic, and immunologic methods to identify pathogens and […]

Do the results support (not “prove”) the hypothesis or not? If you could do the experiment again, what would you do differently, and why?Discuss.

An Introduction, describing the experiment done. Include background on the organisms being used, the enzyme being tested, the method being used, and the reasons for doing the experiment (=what question is being answered). Also include the clearly stated hypothesis (=an if-then statement, not a question, that predicts what will happen in a specific situation). (between […]

Compare and contrast sources of information created for different audiences

Final project: Part A At the end of the last unit of this course you will submit a final project related to primary and secondary sources for grading. Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to build knowledge and skills related to the final project and submit work for feedback but not a grade […]

What do you think is the best way to study for the material in this course and why? Do you use those methods? How do you study for the course? Have you had to adjust your study methods for this course compared to other courses?

Prompt 1 COLLAPSE What do you think is the best way to study for the material in this course and why? Do you use those methods? How do you study for the course? Have you had to adjust your study methods for this course compared to other courses? Minimum 250 WORDS.

Provide examples of drugs in this classification, how to administer, adverse effects and important teaching/safety measures for a client taking this of medication.

Using the first letter of your last name locate the handout topic you will address and post your findings in the discussion board. You will need to post your handout to the discussion board by … to a student with a different topic than yours. This is a valuable learning opportunity to gain insight into […]

Why do you think this paper is important? What is the impact of the findings/how did it bring about a new idea to the field? Think about why the instructor selected this paper for you to read. You should end the synopsis with a statement of impact/how the paper advanced the field.

Write a synopsis following the guidelines below about the paper attached. Must answer all 4 bulleted questions. 1. On what previous data/studies is this study based that brought about the reason for this study? Understanding the background should help you in stating the hypothesis of the study. Must answer all 4 questions below. 2. Why […]

Explain also the mechanism that inhibits hormones’ secretion in the body.

Hormones’ release is strictly controlled in the body. Different mechanisms trigger the release of hormones. Write an essay explaining the different biological processes that cause an endocrine gland to release a hormone. Explain also the mechanism that inhibits hormones’ secretion in the body. NO more than 800 words!!!

Identify a research article published within the last 10 years that focuses on the evolution of early life on Earth.  How is your article related to the information you addressed in your first paragraph?

Post: Write two short paragraphs based upon lecture information, information taken from the TED Talk, and information from personal research as it pertains to our discussion of the origins of early life. Paragraph Prompt 1: Given what you know about early life, why might prokaryotes have had greater flexibility in evolving that eukaryotes?  How might organic […]

Explain why the microscope was invented and how it helped develop the cell theory.

Virtual Lab: Introduction to the Microscope Objectives • Explain the three parts of cell theory. • Identify the different parts of a microscope. • Explain why the microscope was invented and how it helped develop the cell theory. Internet Resources: The Wacky History of Cell Theory OR  OR  History of The Cell Theory Procedure: Watch […]

What is your reaction to knowing that viruses, like coronavirus, are even smaller than cells, aren’t alive, and yet can cause so much alteration to our lives?

First, go to  and complete the animation comparing the size of different objects to the size of cells. Then, please use this flipgrid to record your response. You may use these questions to guide your video: 1. Were you surprised that cells are the size they are? 2. Is it surprising to see that cells […]