What important thing must you remember to do before using a higher magnification objective?

1.  What objective should be in place before you start using a microscope? 2.  What do you use to clean the slide? 3.  Where do you center the specimen? In the light beam 4.  Why do you close the iris before you look through the oculars? 5.  Why is it suggested that you set the […]

How does your How does your total carbohydrate intake compares with the general recommendation that 45-65% of the calories we consume each day should be from carbohydrates?

1. Check your Nutrition Facts Report and Macronutrient Distribution Report you have generated with Nutrition Calc Plus in CONNECT and submitted during week 3 and answer the following question: a) How does your How does your total carbohydrate intake compares with the general recommendation that 45-65% of the calories we consume each day should be […]

What are the major methods used in the study and the model system? Why did they use that model system? Could they have used another approach or model system?

Write a synopsis following the guidelines below about the paper attached. Must answer all 4 bulleted questions. 1. On what previous data/studies is this study based that brought about the reason for this study? Understanding the background should help you in stating the hypothesis of the study. Must answer all 4 questions below. 2. Why […]

What are the dominant types of vegetation and animal species that live there? How have human activities changed your biology over time?

hink about the ecological biome where you currently live or grew up. Would you classify it as temperate forest, temperate grassland, or another biome? What are the dominant types of vegetation and animal species that live there? How have human activities changed your biology over time?

Identify and communicate key aspects of the biology underlying an infectious disease

• Identify and communicate key aspects of the biology underlying an infectious disease • Recognize and communicate how a social aspect can lead to a disease’s spread, or its impact on society • Determine reputable sources of evidence and be able to cite them • Communicate concisely within a word limit • Assess the strengths […]

What strategies are used by teachers and teaching assistants in schools, to support children with dyslexia?

The aim of this dissertation is to look at what strategies are used by teachers and teaching assistants in schools, to support children with dyslexia? Questions 1) How is dyslexia diagnosed A) Medical Model/Labels B) Social/Educational model 2) Identification of dyslexia 3) Interventions/support 4) What support do teachers give primary school children 5) What help […]

What barriers do you feel may prevent evidence based practice being implemented in the workplace?

Question title Present a written case study which gives an example of clinical practice which you have studied during your course. Identify and discuss any differences found between the practice as taught to you as a student and the practice observed during clinical placement. Present your findings with reference to the evidence base that underpins […]