What are the causes and origins of this disease? Is there any important historical significance to this disease? Where does this disease usually start? Is there a particular season for this disease? Is this disease communicable? How is the disease transmitted?

Description I. Etiology (Epidemiology): 10 points What are the causes and origins of this disease? Is there any important historical significance to this disease? Where does this disease usually start? Is there a particular season for this disease? Is this disease communicable? How is the disease transmitted? II. Physiological basis for this disease: 10 points […]

Explain Why is lack of pigmentation so common cave dwellers?

Description CAVE BIOLOGY: Biospeleology – the biology of cave dwellers. A lot of interesting evolutionary tacks are seen in looking at the “troglobites” – what are they and what do they demonstrate from an evolutionary standpoint? Read the articles in the web sites below. 1. Search for “cave biology” & “biospeleology” 2. Make sure you […]

“Pharmaco-genomics –genetically targeted drugs”.hat do these drugs do? just basic research on how to shape the project. Mention these drugs history lab. What happened to the lab? How is it presented?Discuss

Description My topic is Pharmaco-genomics –genetically targeted drugs. Look at representation or presentation of Pharmaco-genomics–genetically targeted drugs. Also, what do these drugs do? just basic research on how to shape the project. Mention these drugs history lab. What happened to the lab? How is it presented? Two page summary of your research project and relevant […]

What is the scientific community doing to attempt to eliminate the most common forms of cancer that are ravaging society?

Individual Assignment 3 Instructions The global community is plagued by increasing incidence of leukemia; non-Hodgkin lymphoma; lung, colorectal, breast, pancreatic, prostate, liver, ovarian, and esophageal cancers. Other types of cancer exist but are less frequent. What is the scientific community doing to attempt to eliminate the most common forms of cancer that are ravaging society? […]

Demonstrate your understanding of the human reproductive systems.

Description QUESTION You are required to write an illustrated report demonstrating your understanding of the human reproductive systems. Your report must cover the areas outlined below. • An explanation of the structure and functions of the male and female reproductive systems. • A discussion of the role of hormones during key developmental stages to include […]

Explain Why is it important to use homologous traits in phylogenetic analyses? How would you determine that the traits you are examining are homologs?

Part II, Hypothesis testing EACH ANSWER SHOULD BE ONE OR MORE PARAGRAPHSII-1. Describe the Miller-Urey experiment. Is it one of the “genes first” or “metabolism first” models. Explain why. II-2. From an evolutionary standpoint, why is the small genome of the virus a fitness advantage? II-3. Why is it important to use homologous traits in […]

Is enough background provided to make the topic clear? Is the significance of the topic discussed? What are the questions being researched? What pathway(s) and pathway molecules will be discussed?

Grammer and Syntax: 10pts Narrative Structure: (Logic, Sequence of Discussions, Clarity, Organization) 10pts Background: Is enough background provided to make the topic clear? Is the significance of the topic discussed? What are the questions being researched? What pathway(s) and pathway molecules will be discussed? 20pts Body: What did the researchers ask? What methods did they […]

Explain why the production and entero-hepatic circulation of bile acids is of key importance in regulating the concentration of serum LDL-cholesterol, and to LDL-lowering treatments

Topic: With reference to the digestion of fat and LDL receptors, explain why the production and entero-hepatic circulation of bile acids is of key importance in regulating the concentration of serum LDL-cholesterol, and to LDL-lowering treatments (max 750 word)

Explain the key concepts that underpin cell biology and demonstrate retained knowledge of the core skills required for work within the biosciences.

Description 1. Explain the key concepts that underpin cell biology and demonstrate retained knowledge of the core skills required for work within the biosciences. 2. Use a range of subject specific and study skills to collect data and analyse this in an appropriate manner to solve problems and interpret information. i will add photos with […]