What are the substrate and biomass concentrations in your aeration basin?

You MUST answer questions 1, 2, and 3. • You choose your favorite three of the remaining four questions. (25) Your wastewater treatment plant serves a community of 50,000 people. The average person contributes 300 L/day of wastewater to your plant. The aeration basin at your plant has a volume of 6000 m3. The concentration […]

Describe in greater detail three aspects of natural variation in Arizona that were particularly intriguing to you.

Final Assignment Part 1. Describe the natural variation in Arizona. Include the following in your description: Temperature Precipitation Elevation Geology Geomorphology Soil What Type of Soil Does Arizona Have? (sciencing.com) Biodiversity (species richness) Biomass Plant physiognomy Include descriptions of patterns in variation. An easy example is the pattern of temperature variation with elevation. What other […]

Explain,Choose a renewable source of energy that you think would work best for Canada’s energy production in the future. Some examples include: solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy and nuclear energy.

Topic: Choose a renewable source of energy that you think would work best for Canada’s energy production in the future. Some examples include: solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy and nuclear energy. Paper details: plz let me know if you need more info for this assginment