How can we use these innovations that are available today to create a more flexible.

Topic: Technology in the Workplace Describe how technology can be implemented in a healthcare setting. Consider things like biometrics, patient interaction, and mobile technology. How can we use these innovations that are available today to create a more flexible. Your initial post should be substantial and at least 100 words. Your post should be in […]

Do you think investigators need these tools, or is this just another example of our Constitutional Rights being gradually eroded?

Forum Review the attached material presented; after doing so, answer the following forum questions: Multiple examples have been introduced which demonstrate how biometrics are being implemented throughout law enforcement in the United States. Based on the information presented, do you think investigators need these tools, or is this just another example of our Constitutional Rights […]

Describe the technology, its purpose, how it works, and when it would be used. Discuss the ethical and privacy issues around the technology.

Technology in the Criminal Justice System Select one current technology in the criminal justice system. For ideas on current technologies, refer to the list below. Current Technologies Surveillance technologies. (A list is maintained on the ACLU’s Surveillance Technologies page.) Facial recognition technology. Biometrics. Robots/drones. Shot-spotters. Thermal imaging cameras. AI/predictive policing. Automatic license plate recognition. Body […]