What are the cultural attitudes toward male and female sexuality for the selected perspective?

CNL-530 Topic 1: Sexual Behavior Throughout History Worksheet Directions: After reading your required textbook readings for the week, respond to the questions below. Each response should be at least 250 words in length. Include a minimum of two scholarly sources in your responses and an associated APA reference note for each source at the end […]

Describe at least three methods used to provide culturally sensitive counseling and  psychotherapy to ethnic minorities.

Answer a total of (10) questions with at least (1) question from each chapter Chapter 1 1)Describe 4 out of the 6 ways the term culture is used in everyday language (Kroeber & Kluckholn, 1952; Berry, Poortinga, Segal, & Dasen, 1992). Give the definition and specific examples for each. 2)Describe the 5 levels of the […]

Which strengths and protective factors does the client possess that will help him/her/them progress?

The second step in the Roberts Degennaro model of case management is to assess your client’s strengths and needs based on the biopsychosocial assessment. In terms of the presenting problem, which strengths and protective factors does the client possess that will help him/her/them progress? What risk factors and needs are present? How motivated does your […]

What impact did her chosen social networks (outside of her family), especially her choices with romantic partners, have on her alcohol use?

Response to “Drinking: A Love Story” Some possible reflection topics: The types of symptoms she describes. When do you first realize she might meet the DSM criteria for moderate or severe alcohol use disorder? When does SHE recognize that she might have a problem? Are these different? How was Knapp able to hide her drinking […]

What may be the implications of this re-conceptualisation?

The assignment should answer the following question: Distressing experiences and behaviour in children and young people presenting to mental health services are often conceptualised in terms of observable symptoms and common diagnoses. Re-conceptualise an example of such a presentation using the Biopsychosocial Model of developmental psychopathology. What may be the implications of this re-conceptualisation?

Explain the strengths and limitations of the clinical assessments designed to evaluate the disorder.

Project Two Introduction Introduce a psychological disorder that is of interest to you. Discuss the biological, psychological, and/or social relevance of examining this disorder. Provide a brief overview of the clinical attributes of this disorder (e.g., diagnostic features, prevalence rates, biopsychosocial impacts). Provide a brief overview of the points that you will address in your […]

How does the child protect themselves from anxiety and stress?

Topic: Social Work Case Worksheet for Zoe Use this template to complete your Week 5 Worksheet Assignment the Biopsychosocial Assessment and then add your eco-gram, geno-gram and culturagram at the end: Use this template to complete the assignment, this is what you will turn in. Fill out the Biopsychosocial Assessment and the Worksheet 5 Describe […]

Which model do you believe is best suited to manage the current addiction epidemic?

Week 1-DB 1 The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) have stated that addiction is a brain disease. However, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) reported that there are 4 major dimensions that support a life of recovery: Health Home Purpose Community This view […]

Explain the psychological, situational/social, and biological factors that you believe led to the offender’s criminality.

Comprehensive Case Study-Ted Bundy Evaluate the biopsychosocial factors that led the client to commit his or her crimes. Explain the psychological, situational/social, and biological factors that you believe led to the offender’s criminality. Evaluate how these factors may have contributed to committing violent crimes. Identify whether your client suffered from a mental illness. Identify the […]