Describe the existing and/or proposed policies or resources and/or legislation that impacts this social justice trend/movement at the local, state and federal levels

Topic: Covid vaccine inequity 1. For this assignment, student will complete a 5–7-page a. Define social justice b. Identify and describe a current social justice trend or movement (e.g., Black Lives Matter, the Women’s March, Me-Too, Pro-Life, etc.) c. Analyze the trend/movement using one social justice theory that you most identify with. Use the roundtable […]

What is the historical or cultural significance of Hamilton-Identify what was happening in (American) life or society at the time that the work was written and how that contributed to the work.

Alexander Hamilton and black lives matter Directions: Select a topic from the list provided. If you wish to write on a subject that is not listed, you must prepare a 250-word proposal that states what you wish to write on and why and also have an appointment with me to discuss your proposal. To Begin: […]

Is this a statement of black supremacy in the way that ‘white power’ is usually understood as a statement of white supremacy?

Final Reflection Paper Guidelines (To show how we engage contemporaneous racial issues that philosophers areAnswer ALL questions in light of what you learned this year: • What does the statement “Black Lives Matter” mean? • Is this a statement of black supremacy in the way that ‘white power’ is usuallyunderstood as a statement of white […]