What are the two main findings when you look at the wage gap for Black women?

Black workers in America 1 Chisolm, born in Brooklyn, New York, was always aware of racial and gender inequality, and while attending Brooklyn College, her professors encouraged her to consider a political career, yet she replied that she faced a “double handicap” as both Black and female. Why might she have felt this way? Black […]

How do you differentiate your product or service from your competition?

2023 Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs | Goldman Sachs | Black in Business Why are you interested in One Million Black Women: Black in Business? How do you differentiate your product or service from your competition? List 3 goals that you have for the business over the next 12 months. What is your 5-year vision for the […]

How does identifying poor outcomes (I) compared to other races (C) influence mortality (O) ?

Topic: Racial disparities among Black Women in healthcare PICOT Questions In Black women (P), how does identifying situations that typical cause poorer outcomes for them, (I) compared to other racial groups (C) affect Mortality rate (O) ? Are black women (P), who have typically had poorer health outcomes (I) compared with those of other races […]

How did slavery and the exploitation of black women by white males affect slave families?

Discuss in a few thoughtful sentences the following question:Use quotes and references from the films/and or text to support your views. Discuss: 1. How did slavery and the exploitation of black women by white males affect slave families? focus on the “relationship” between a salve girl 14 named Sally Hemmings, and a 44 year old, […]

How does Necropower differ from sovereignty understood as the exercise of reason and therefore the exercise of one’s freedom as well?

Necropolitics and Black Women Examine Achille Mbembe’s description of “ultimate expressions of sovereignty” in late modern capitalism as it relates to Black women. How do Black women exercise sovereignty in late modern capitalism? How does Necropower differ from sovereignty understood as the exercise of reason and therefore the exercise of one’s freedom as well?

What is one representative or provocative or memorable quotes from the article, and why did you choose it? (Transcribe carefully and include the page number).

It is the only source you need to use.Class is Black Women in America For this week’s discussion, want you to work to read each article/chapter on its own terms. You must post your response before reading other students’ responses. For your discussion board post, write a response that addresses the following questions: Which article […]

How do Black women domestic workers make meaning of success in college?

Black Domestic Workers Make Meaning of Success in College Research Question: How do Black women domestic workers make meaning of success in college? Paradigm: Constructivism Methodology: Narrative Inquiry Methods: Interviews, focus group, Degree: Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership Ph.D. Population: Black women, Domestic workers are home care workers, nurses, Nannies, childcare Undergraduate Education: Associates […]

What specifically is new to you about the biography of Angela and Belinda, however limited, as recounted by Berry & Gross; what do their stories help you to understand about the settlement of the “Americas” and/or early U.S. history?

Multiple Choice Questions Engage ALL related resources, including “Study Guide: Constructing Womanist History” and Berry and Gross’ Introduction and chapters 1-5 ” a Black woman’s history of the united states.” and consider the specific ways Black women resisted bondage and forged honorable and exemplary lives for themselves and their families. In paragraph format using specific […]