What characteristics would group members have-Overall what techniques will you use in your groups?

GROUP COUNSELING SKILLS: GROUP PROPOSAL ASSIGNMENT Use the information in chapter five on how to structure a group proposal. Take time to review the proposals for groups in school or community settings presented in Chapter 10 (Groups in school settings) and Chapter 11 (groups in community settings). Search for “substance abuse counseling activities” or some […]

What was the speaker’s main expertise? and what was the main reason to shift to social media?

Why Social Media Is Ruining Your Life Watch the following video and answer the following questions based on the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBeWrNgMVeM&t=4s You can submit this assignment on Blackboard 1- What was the speaker’s main expertise? and what was the main reason to shift to social media? 2- What was her company’s business model? 3- “Social […]

What’s in common and what are the differences among different parts of the EM spectrum?

Does wifi, cellphone or microwave radiation affect our health? and Why? Along with this document, there are 5 research papers included in the Final Project folder on Blackboard that you are required to read and refer to when writing your own research paper. More specifically, these 5 research papers should serve the following purposes as […]

What’s in common and what are the differences among different parts of the EM spectrum?

Does wifi, cellphone or microwave radiation affect our health? and Why? Along with this document, there are 5 research papers included in the Final Project folder on Blackboard that you are required to read and refer to when writing your own research paper. More specifically, these 5 research papers should serve the following purposes as […]

Describe the mission, vision, values, structure, and culture of the company. Each description should be 75-100 words.

2 Most Popular Cases in Connect. Access the case studies from the folder on the main course page in Blackboard. Choose one of the organizations to use for all weekly assessments. You will not be able to change your organization, so make sure you are comfortable with your choice. An organization is typically centered on […]

Should World War II be considered a “Good War?” The stories presented by Terkel are first person accounts of the Second World War by Americans who lived through it at home as civilians or as soldiers.

Was ww2 a good war Read excerpts from The “Good War” by Studs Terkel on Blackboard and answer the following question: Should World War II be considered a “Good War?” The stories presented by Terkel are first person accounts of the Second World War by Americans who lived through it at home as civilians or […]

Why did Roman emperors seek to link themselves with the many gods of the empire? What was the impact of associating the emperor with local gods?

Use your own words no need to use quotes. DO NOT PLAIGERIZE. Choose twenty of the following questions and write a minimum of one substantial paragraph (5-7 sentences) in response to each. To be uploaded to BlackBoard by the time of our last class. 1) Was the demise of paganism inevitable? 2) What were the […]

Identify the specific research design discussed by Hark (2019) that your chosen article/study employed.

ARTICLE ANALYSIS: SCIENCES Choose one article from Blackboard and read and answer the following questions: Research Purpose and Overview 1. What was the purpose of the study? 2. What were the study research questions? 3. What theory(ies) informed the research? Methods and Research 4. Identify the research method (qualitative or quantitative) used in this study. […]

What is the significance of the chapter to your current practice and current trends in teaching and learning?

Read the attached chapter. Write a two-page paper in response to the sections of the chapter. This is a not reports, nor a chapter summary. It is a short, focused, insightful response to the chapter. Specifically, you will be assessed considering thoughtfulness, careful deliberation, and substantive intellectual engagement with ideas of the text, insightful critique, […]