Identify philosophical questions and concepts that were addressed in the film and support your assertions with direct examples.

Final reflection – Blade Runner (1982) Identify philosophical questions and concepts that were addressed in the film and support your assertions with direct examples. Reflect on how the film’s approach to these questions relates to the ones we covered throughout the course. Philosophers allowed are: Plato, Immanuel Kant, siddhartha buddha, Nelson Mandela, Daniel Dennett. From […]

Can we make the case that women’s roles have changed in science fiction adventures?

Second Interpretive Essay Prompts are based off of the following movies: 2001 a space odyssey, star wars (1977), Blade runner, the matrix 1. Women play a particular narrative role in each of the movies above. What is that role and how does it shape the story? Can we make the case that women’s roles have […]