Do a YouTube search for and view “’Your body language shapes who you are’ by Amy Cuddy”.What are your thoughts concerning the video? Do you find yourself exhibiting some of the nonverbal behaviors mentioned in the video or do you have friends that exhibit some the nonverbal behaviors?

1) Do a YouTube search for and view “’Your body language shapes who you are’ by Amy Cuddy”. 2) Write about the following: What are your thoughts concerning the video? Do you find yourself exhibiting some of the nonverbal behaviors mentioned in the video or do you have friends that exhibit some the nonverbal behaviors? […]

What is the relative impact of non-verbal expression compared to verbal expression? Explain. Do we rely more on face recognition or body language as a primary source to infer personality and attitude? Justify your position.

  What is the relative impact of non-verbal expression compared to verbal expression? Explain. Do we rely more on face recognition or body language as a primary source to infer personality and attitude? Justify your position.