What skills do you need to develop to achieve your goals that you want to set for the next ten years and what actions do you need to take to develop these skills?

Book Report (maximum 6 pages) Read the assigned book  submit an six-page report (excluding coversheet and references) following the structure below: Summarize the book and identify the key takeaways from it. Write 4-6 sentences summary of each chapter and also discuss one key takeaway from each chapter. You should also discuss how the key takeaways […]

Describe the most difficult student or class you have had to work with.

Chapter 10 Write a page and half paper including the question below. book can be found at https://issuu.com/michaelpillsbury/docs/discipline_with_dignity_4th_ed._pdf Describe the most difficult student or class you have had to work with. what in this book would have helped you the most? In the special challenge section of the text, it provides many strategies to help […]

Discuss specific parts of each book and bring in things that surprised you or reinforced some ideas that you had before.

Write a reflection piece about how the course has changed your views of microbes. Discuss specific parts of each book and bring in things that surprised you or reinforced some ideas that you had before. Have you changed at all in response to this material? If so, how? If not, why not?

Read a book and write a essay about the book.

Engineering book report Read a book and write a essay about the book. This book needs to be read without just looking at the summarize of the book. The link to the book:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SN58V7N3UlMQ7HnsKXz8fRED5P7FFhi6/view?usp=drivesdk Essay information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-E9p0Got6wgNuJHzerVtly1imQArE0d8UEavkL-NKvg/edit  

Did reading the book change your perspective on any aspect of our capital markets or how you will participate (as an investor) going forward?

In your essay, describe the most important takeaway from the book The Number for you and why this was the most important takeaway for you. explained in your words. Do not use quotes from the book. Your essay should not be a summary of the book. Instead, it should describe your personal perspective that is, […]

Is the citation correct according to the Harvard Blue Book?Discuss

Description For Week 2 ASSIGNMENT, you will answer a few short introductory question and then you will be reviewing two documents– a respondent’s brief to the United States Supreme Court and a law review journal article to check for proper citation in accordance with the Harvard Blue Book. Assume the following: You have been hired […]

Discuss the issues it raised and critically evaluate the information and ideas presented with “Life and Death in the Third Reich; Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany; or When the Danube Ran Red”.

“For this assignment, please pick on of the three assigned books for the course to be your focal point: Life and Death in the Third Reich; Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany; or When the Danube Ran Red.This paper is not a book review; however, it is an opportunity for you to address the issues raised […]