What did you find truly unique about McMinn’s approach? What was most helpful? What suggestions from McMinn will be most difficult to utilize in your own counseling?

The McMinn book can be divided into 2 broad “parts.” The first part comprises chapters 1–2 and in those chapters, McMinn lays down a foundation for the rest of the book. In your summary of the first 2 chapters, explain the essential elements in McMinn’s approach to the integration of psychology, theology, and spirituality into […]

Explain why these books were chosen for your third grade classroom about each book. List detailed ways to assess third grade students using the dimensions of literacy oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency vocabulary, and comprehension for each book (have to be different for each book).

Use books: The Stone Fox and The Lemonade War Give a detailed explanation why these books were chosen for your third grade classroom about each book. List detailed ways to assess third grade students using the dimensions of literacy oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency vocabulary, and comprehension for each book (have to be different […]

What character if any did you identify with most from the book? This can be either yourself or someone you know.

These are the questions/points to consider to which you should respond in your reaction paper: Using sociologist John Alan Lee’s love styles Intimate Relationships Based on this list, what is the predominant love style for most of the characters presented in the book, “Confusing Love with Obsession.” What character if any did you identify with […]

What is the book about? Who are the main characters?What are the main ethical dilemmas discussed? What is Socrates trying to say? What did you personally learn, if anything, from the book? Why do you think this book can be relevant today?

  What is the book about? Who are the main characters?What are the main ethical dilemmas discussed? What is Socrates trying to say? What did you personally learn, if anything, from the book? Why do you think this book can be relevant today?

Prepare a one-page report summarizing three pieces of key information from each book. Often the websites have a section for each book that gives an Overview or Editorial Reviews of the book that will provide the information you need.

Instructions: Follow carefully 1. Visit a website such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble and locate three recent books that discuss the effects of social media on customer loyalty and retention. 2. Prepare a one-page report summarizing three pieces of key information from each book. Often the websites have a section for each book that […]

Discuss the impact the book has had since it was written and the target audience.

Each of you will choose and review one classic planning book from the list of classic books provided to you. Within a week, please email me the title of the book that you select for this assignment along with a paragraph explaining your reasons for choosing it. Submit a detailed and critical journal – quality […]

Identify key issues and concepts,Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the text

Write a BOOK REVIEW of the attached text. The book review must have the following: -be analytical reflecting a critical understanding of the text, the central thesis and key debates surrounding the subject matter -identify key issues and concepts, -identify the strengths and weaknesses of the text, -must show evidence of original and independent thinking, […]