What are the screening recommendations regarding self-breast exams and clinical breast exams?

Well Woman Health Screenings Breast Cancer Screening A 39-year-old female presents to your office for her annual well-woman exam. She reports that she has a maternal aunt and a cousin who has had breast cancer, so she does her self-breast exams every month. She would like to start getting mammograms, but her friends all say […]

What are the Causes of Breast Cancer in Women Older than 45 Years old?

Causes of Breast Cancer in Woman Older than 45 Years Old Asbel Morales Alvarez, BSN, RN-BC. Universidad Ana G. Méndez NUR502: Nursing Science and Research Process Professor: Dr. Gisela Llamas January 22, 2023. Causes of Breast Cancer in Women Older than 45 Years Breast cancer is a global health issue that greatly affects women across […]

Examining the role of self-esteem, religion as a coping mechanism, and body esteem as protective factors for body dissatisfaction in women with breast cancer experience

Enriching a sociocultural model of body image: Examining the role of self-esteem, religion as a coping mechanism, and body esteem as protective factors for body dissatisfaction in women with breast cancer experience

Examining the Role of Self-Esteem, Religion as a Coping Mechanism, and Body Assessment as Protective Factors for Physical Dissatisfaction in Women with Breast Cancer Experience

Enriching a Sociocultural Model of Body Image: Examining the Role of Self-Esteem, Religion as a Coping Mechanism, and Body Assessment as Protective Factors for Physical Dissatisfaction in Women with Breast Cancer Experience

Examining the Role of Self-Esteem, Religion as a Coping Mechanism, and Body Assessment as Protective Factors for Physical Dissatisfaction in Women with Breast Cancer Experience

Enriching a Sociocultural Model of Body Image: Examining the Role of Self-Esteem, Religion as a Coping Mechanism, and Body Assessment as Protective Factors for Physical Dissatisfaction in Women with Breast Cancer Experience

What factors contribute to the development of chemotherapy sensitivity/intolerance in African American females age 65 years and older diagnosed with breast cancer?

Research Proposal For this order you will be helping me write a research proposal following the format that is presented in the attached power point slide.Review the slides to make sure you understand the expectation of this research proposal. Before you actually start working on the research proposal, there are additional tasks that will need […]