What should companies do to support nursing mothers? consider policies, facilities, time, and other factors and share your thoughts and opinions.

Disadvantages of Breast feeding, Bottle feeding and Formula feeding Video 1:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMByAxFlBS0 Video 2:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAWTuDx1PN4 Video 3:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1UMnKduosE Discussion Questions 1) Describe some advantages of breast feeding. Describe some advantages of bottle feeding. Describe some advantages of formula feeding. Can you name any disadvantages of breast feeding, bottle feeding and formula feeding? 2) What […]

What is the range of ages at which children are weaned around the world?

  Topic: Breast Feeding Answer the following questions in essay style: complete sentences and explain why. Put your name on the answer sheet in the dropbox. Do you think women should breastfeed? Why do you feel this way? Where should they do this and why? How would other members of your family answer this question? […]