Which of your two selections do you consider the most significant and why?

Week 2 Discussion 1: The American Revolution For the initial post, pick two (2) of the leading causes of the American Revolution. The Proclamation Act of 1763 The Navigation Acts The Stamp Act The Declaratory Act The Townsend Act The Boston Massacre The Coercive Acts Then, address the following for your selections: Analyze the cause […]

Why did they get angry with the British Parliament (which obviously changes the rules by imposing restrictions and new taxes) that went against a century of past practices and tradition.

British American Colonials What did they (British American Colonials) want before the War for Independence. Why did they get angry with the British Parliament (which obviously changes the rules by imposing restrictions and new taxes) that went against a century of past practices and tradition. Did becoming independent and solving their problems ( Art of […]