Analyze the film in terms of the taxonomy of happiness (Hedonism, Stoicism, Epicureanism, Buddhism). What elements of the movie offer different versions of happiness for the main character Andy and for the narrator Red? How does happiness change in the film?

Paper detalis: Watch “The Shawshank Redemption, a 1994 film directed by Frank Darabont. For this option, you are required analyze the film in terms of the taxonomy of happiness (Hedonism, Stoicism, Epicureanism, Buddhism). What elements of the movie offer different versions of happiness for the main character Andy and for the narrator Red? How does […]

How has your definition and concept of religion changed, and what helped you changed your mind? For instance, many people would say that a definition of religion necessarily involves a god or gods. But as you know know, Buddhism really does not have the concept. Still, Buddhism is a religion (and no, you cannot use this example).Discuss

1. How has your definition and concept of religion changed, and what helped you changed your mind? For instance, many people would say that a definition of religion necessarily involves a god or gods. But as you know know, Buddhism really does not have the concept. Still, Buddhism is a religion (and no, you cannot […]

Discuss the role that contemplative practice has played or could have played in these transitions.

Description Following APA format, write a 7-10 page paper integrating aspects of the coursework with transition experienced in your life. Include at least 5 references, at least 3 from readings in this course. (Note, APA reference format would include multiple chapters from an unedited book as a single reference, and this is how references will […]

Explain Is there any one aspect of my analysis of Religion in Political Conflict that our examination of Buddhism at War has convinced you needs to be revised or rescinded? Explain in detail, with specific reference to cases we studied in this course.

Suggested Topics: Choose 1 —& state which Topic you have chosen 1. Apply some aspects of my interpretations of Religion in Political Conflict to one of the 3 cases we have studied in detail: the Sri Lankan civil war; Zen and the rise of Japanese militarism; or the Tibetan struggle with the People’s Republic of […]

Discuss:What does Job do to get closer to God? Does he succeed? Why or why not?

Forced to live without his loved ones, Job appeals to his God for comfort in an uncertain time. What does Job do to get closer to God? Does he succeed? Why or why not? Compare or contrast Job’s efforts to other people’s struggles for the comforts of community that we’ve discussed in this course. With […]