Compare these to those of the dominant culture of the United States.

para language Go to YouTube and view videos of services of three different religions: Catholic, Buddhist, and Jewish. Observe the nonverbal elements, noting particularly the differences in how members of each group use para language, space, and touch. Locate pictures from magazines, newspapers, and the Internet that you believe are showing the following emotions through […]

Discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses of each of these theories.

The paper must be based upon YOUR CHOICE of one of the following topics: Discuss your own philosophical perspective on religion in comparison with ideas shared in Chapter 7. Include a discussion of TWO OR MORE of the following topics: Theistic and Non-Theistic Religions; The Problem of Evil; The Existence of God; Faith and Religious […]

How is memory central to the notion of self-identity in Locke’s philosophy? What are the strengths-weakness of memory as the key to self-identity?

Personal identity Using the text and online resources in this module, summarize any video, and respond to one of the following focused questions in at least 500 words. (Be sure to cite online sources by author or title and date as well as Web address/URL.) Also, respond to two classmates (at least 100 words). Focused […]

What are some forms of Buddhist meditation? How does one practice them?

Choose one of the following topics to make your initial post of about 150-200 words. 1. Buddhist Practices: You have a choice of materials to view and discuss this week. This week let’s discuss different forms of Buddhism. Choose one of the links below and address what features of Buddhist belief and practice are evident […]

What was American Transcendentalism, and what influence did Hindu and Buddhist beliefs have on its ideology?

1. What was American Transcendentalism, and what influence did Hindu and Buddhist beliefs have on its ideology? 2. What was the Trancendentalists’ attitude toward nature? 3. After reading about Transcendentalism and watching the video on Thoreau, what ideas in it impressed you enough to make you want to change your life and why? 4. What […]