Identify a real or hypothetical healthcare organization that you will either create a brand new strategic business plan, or revise an existing business plan.

Re-write For this assignment, you will focus on pulling various elements of a strategic business plan together in a cohesive way that you may hypothetically present to executives in a healthcare organization. Identify a real or hypothetical healthcare organization that you will either create a brand new strategic business plan, or revise an existing business […]

What’s the budget? List percentages and actual amounts for each category in your budget.

Percentages and Budgets Being involved in your local community is important for a variety of reasons. It affords you the opportunity to connect with, help, and strengthen the lives of others. It can give you a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment as you form bonds with your neighbors. If you find a need in your […]

What is the difference of productive vs. non-productive hours and provide examples for each as it relates to your work environment.

Nursing Finance A. List the elements of a strategic plan. B. What are the benefits for strategic management and how it affects your organization along with the trickle down effect to the unit level. Describe 3 different budget types utilized in healthcare. What type of items fall within each type of budget chosen and how […]

What influence do unit and midlevel managers have on the various kinds of budgets?

Week Three Hawes After exploration of the types of budgets and the processes for their development at your institution. How and from whom is input into the budgets acquired and used? Where does control of the budget lie? What influence do unit and mid level managers have on the various kinds of budgets?

Explain the relationship between project planning and the controlling of budgets and time schedules in project management.

Explain how the different approaches to costing can benefit cost planning in a project; Suggest several specific project planning techniques for improved project performance; Evaluation several risk management approaches in project planning for improved project performance; and Explain the relationship between project planning and the controlling of budgets and time schedules in project management.

Analyze additional needs and resources based on those budgets. Make recommendations based on those budgets.

Description You are the managerial accountant at Reliable Company. You have been assigned to support the marketing department and manage its master budget. The marketing department is responsible for the following: Managing the firm’s marketing Hiring subcontractors Selling the consulting expertise to smaller outside firms The department’s expenses are as follows: Salaries and benefits of […]

Explain how the chosen graphs/charts help someone to better understand the presented financial data better than other potential graphs/charts.

In this assignment, you will: Create three monthly budgets using Excel for a financial analysis. Summarize the change in expenditures between budgets. Show the findings of your personal financial analysis using appropriate graphs/charts in Excel. Explain how the chosen graphs/charts help someone to better understand the presented financial data better than other potential graphs/charts. Discuss […]

Discuss the results of financial analysis including overall progress towards saving goals, potential changes in budget that can be made in the future, possible economic/life impacts that may affect their budget in the coming year.

In this assignment, you will: Create three monthly budgets using Excel for a financial analysis. Summarize the change in expenditures between budgets. Show the findings of your personal financial analysis using appropriate graphs/charts in Excel. Explain how the chosen graphs/charts help someone to better understand the presented financial data better than other potential graphs/charts. Discuss […]

Critically discuss the possible standards that can be used to prepare budgets and how are standards set in organisations. You should use relevant examples to illustrate your answer.

MAN2109// MAN2109: Management Accounting 24-hour take-home examInstructions to Candidates:1.This paper contains THREE questions. Candidates should attempt ALL 3 questions.2.Total marks available are 75 marks. Where appropriate the mark carried by an individual part of a question is indicated in square brackets [].3.Candidates are permitted to use a spreadsheet such as Excel to perform calculations if […]

Discuss:Interdepartmental interaction, communications, team building activities and conflict resolution techniques, ethics and workplace diversity programming, proposed operational changes, and how these changes may impact operations and budgets

Interdepartmental interaction, communications, team building activities and conflict resolution techniques, ethics and workplace diversity programming, proposed operational changes, and how these changes may impact operations and budgets