Do you see the bureaucracy as an effective aspect in your life or do you see issues with the bureaucracy as it stands? Why/why not?

Bureaucracy 1) How does the bureaucracy affect your life, and thus, your freedom as an ordinary citizen? In what ways does it hinder or help your life? 2) Do you see the bureaucracy as an effective aspect in your life or do you see issues with the bureaucracy as it stands? Why/why not? 3) List […]

Does the US derive any benefits from remaining a member of the UN-Is the UN useless as your unclear claims?

Task: Imagine the following hypothetical scenario: you join your family around the table for a large dinner over the Thanksgiving holiday. After eating several helpings of sweet potatoes, your uncle turns to you and says: what good is the United Nations if it can’t prevent a country like Russia from invading a country like Ukraine? […]

Why did it take so long for a stable democratic regime to take hold in France?

You are preparing a brochure for American visitors to France. Your purpose is to increase knowledge of history in order to strengthen the bridges between the two long-term friends. Answer each of the following questions, citing historical events and details, referring as needed to this module’s readings. Why did it take so long for a […]

What are the key limitations of culture management as a mode of control in the workplace?

Management and organizational theory 1. What are the key elements of bureaucracy? Describe the main moral and practical criticisms of bureaucracy as an organisational form. 2. “Power is more powerful when it appears to be absent”. Drawing on theories of power, discuss what is meant by this statement and how far you agree with it. […]

Could the Freedom of speech create a less agreeable situation for someone else? Why or Why not?

525 3 Discussion Protection of individuals from the government is spelled out in the Bill of Rights. Use the 2nd Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms and share thoughts on whether or not the individual protection of this Amendment could infringe on another’s rights. For example, could the Freedom of speech create a less […]

Which organisation development model/method/technique would you apply in order to improve the situation and how would you proceed in practice?

Organisational Development Plan Your company decided to implement self-managing teams in its local branches. However, this has not been successful. The local managers, who have entrepreneurial mindset, have not been eager to give authority and decision making rights to the employee teams. Six months after the change had been introduced, some branches have changed practices […]

Provide two specific examples. Explain whether the rulemaking process encourages or hinders citizen participation and why.

Bureaucracy and Rulemaking Post by Day 3 an explanation of how the organizational structure of bureaucracy impacts the rulemaking process. Provide two specific examples. Explain whether the rulemaking process encourages or hinders citizen participation and why. Cite the specific rule using Bluebook citation. The Bluebook citation should appear in-text, as well as in the reference […]

How are legislatures, judges/Supreme Court, the bureaucracy-executive involved in this issue-What are they doing? What are they not doing?

Vaccinations Explain the issue you chose. What happened/is happening with the issue? What are the sides of the argument? ▪ How are legislatures, judges/Supreme Court, the bureaucracy, and executive involved in this issue? What are they doing? What are they not doing? (address all of these) ▪ How does the Media impact/address the issue? ▪ […]

Do the political parties agree on the issue?-What are their arguments?

Vaccinations Explain the issue you chose. What happened/is happening with the issue? What are the sides of the argument? ▪ How are legislatures, judges/Supreme Court, the bureaucracy, and executive involved in this issue? What are they doing? What are they not doing? ▪ How does the Media impact/address the issue? ▪ What does American society […]

Have we ever had a president who has successfully met the public’s expectations?

The president is the first political office children recognize. The president helps people make sense of politics. Congress is a tangle of committees; the bureaucracy is a maze of agencies. The president is one man trying to do a job – a picture much more understandable to the mass of people who find themselves in […]