What is the difference between “usury” in the Old Testament and in current business law-Do you think the government should limit the rate of interest that can be charged?

Prompt: What is the difference between “usury” in the Old Testament and in current business law? Do you think the government should limit the rate of interest that can be charged? Requirements – Instructions: Write two paragraphs explaining the Old Testament concept of usury. Write two paragraphs explaining the usage of the term usury in […]

What facts did the court find to be most important in making its decision?

Business Law 8 In complete sentences respond to the following prompts: • Summarize the facts of the case; • Identify the parties and explain each party’s position; • Outline the case’s procedural history including any appeals; • What is the legal issue in question in this case? • How did the court rule on the […]

Describe Business Law for Accountants

• Find out an accounting professional’s perspective of the importance of an understanding of business law to his or her professional work. (make sure to include where this accounting professional works or type of accountant) • In the questions as the interviewer discuss some of the core academic concepts of Business Law.Essay • Write a […]