What specific foods could you reduce (or increase),-what foods would you use to replace those foods, to bring your total protein intake within the recommended range? 

M2 protein intake Answer the following questions.  Remember to show all your calculations and indicate units after every number. Based on your three-day average, how many grams of protein do you consume daily?.How many calories does this represent? What percent of your average calorie intake was contributed by proteins? The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends between […]

Explain the scenario and provide calculations that show how you applied the time value of money concepts.

DQ1 Select a publicly-traded company and access its most recent financial statements from its annual report. Include the name of the company in your subject line, and do not choose a company about which one of your classmates has already posted. Examine the income statement for that company and identify the items that deviate from […]

What would you do with this knowledge? Costco (or your big-box store) doesn’t have salespeople, so up-selling is not an option. What else might you do with information about these items’ lift? Consider advertising, pricing, item location in stores, and any other factor that you might adjust. Do you think the lift calculations are valid for all stores in the United States (or other country)?

Description Suppose you work at Costco or another major, national, big-box store, and you do a market- basket analysis and identify the 25 pairs of items in the store that have the highest lift and the 25 pairs of items that have the lowest lift. 1. What would you do with this knowledge? Costco (or […]

Explain how you approached and answered the question or solved the problem, and, for each question, show all steps involved.

Paper must be written in third person. Your paper should be four to five pages in length (counting the title page and references page) and cite and integrate at least one credible outside source. The CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a great place to find resources. Include a title page, introduction, […]

Discuss Based on the information in the table and your calculations for Question 21: Do any countries have positive net exports? Which one(s)? Which country has the largest negative net exports?

1. Calculate the values for the blanks in the shaded areas of the table below (identify your responses in a logical fashion in your document): Expenditure Australia Components Canada of GOP Ostmark by County, Finland 2018 (in India ions of US Japan dollen) Now Zealand UN US Consumption Investment 808 7 99E9 1639 14E1 16506 […]

Explain how the project analyses do or do not supportthis decision.In either case, whatare the factors that should have been considered in management’s decision?

BUS 5110 Group Project:For this activity, you have been hired as a team of consultantson a multi-year basis for aglobalwasher and dryer manufacturer. They currently offer two core washer and dryer sets: a high-end model and an economical model. You are tasked to complete several calculations and present your findings to the company stakeholders. You […]

Prepare and defend a supplemental budget for an assigned (mostly local) government department.

Task: Prepare and defend a supplemental budget for an assigned (mostly local) government department. Purpose: To demonstrate simple budget calculations in preparing a basic budget request and to advocate for that request in a professional manner. Receive your individual departmental assignment (such as for fire, police, recreation, etc.) from me at the appropriate time. Take […]

Explain what the results of your calculations say about the overall health of the company and its future value.

Begin to create the big financial picture of how 3M company is spending their money and managing their investments in the future value of their organization through purchases and research and development. Include the following content in this section. Formulate the expected financial returns and associated risks by completing the following calculations. Calculate the Return […]

Explain each of the four calculations. How do they differ?

You are responsible for a large department at your organization. A new management incentive program is being discussed and you are meeting with the Chief Financial Officer regarding each of the possible options. One of the pieces that needs to be settled is the basis for the incentive plan. There are four options on the […]