. Properly calculate the intrinsic value of bonds by either using Excel or a calculator.

Topic 2: Intrinsic Value Using either a financial calculator or Excel, compute the intrinsic value of one of the bonds you just purchased. Make sure to note if there is any difference between your intrinsic value computation and the price you paid. Post the calculations or spreadsheet to the appropriate Discussion Board. Post your calculation […]

What strategies should Mark use to pay off the card sooner?

Unit 2 – Individual Project Finance Mark has a credit card with a $5,000 balance. His interest rate is 19%, and the credit card company requires a minimum 2% payment, this is $100 per month. This interest calculator will show how much total interest Mark will pay. Write a short paper (300–500 words) that answers […]

What are some of the most important characteristics of proportional reasoning?

Description Question #1-Geometric Thinking and Geometric Concepts (pp. 402-433) chapter 20 What are some of the most important characteristics of proportional reasoning? Assignment Guidelines Write a brief paragraph concerning the most important characteristics of proportional reasoning. Pick an activity for helping students develop proportional thought processes. You can select or modify any activity in chapter […]

Explain Should Top Dollar Co. adopt the assessment center to select middle managers?

The Top Dollar Co. is trying to decide whether to use an assessment center to select middle managers for its consumer products operations. The following information has been determined: variable costs are 0.10, corporate taxes are 44 percent, the discount rate is 9 percent, the ordinary selection procedure costs $700 per candidate, the assessment center […]

According to The World Bank, the American average is 16.4 metric tons CO2 per year and the global carbon footprint average is 4.9 metric tons CO2. How does your carbon footprint compare to the American and global averages? Are you concerned with your home’s energy use? What could you do to reduce your energy use?Explain.

Energy Footprint Calculation What are the total greenhouse gas emissions for your home? Be sure to let us know what state or country you live in! Include screen shot from the calculator results. It is clear that the student calculated their energy footprint from Carbon Footprint Calculator 20.0 to >10.0 pts High performance 10.0 to >0 pts Low performance […]