Give background of climate-data report of increase-decrease in the virus based on weather.

The impact climate change has on covid 19 A five page assessment of the overall impact climate change has had on the out break of covid 19 in the states of California vs Florida. Narrowing it down to certain counties. Give background of climate and data report of increase or decrease in the virus based […]

What are some of the public health laws that have been enacted to address obesity in this country?

Final Examination: Global Health Issues Research has shown that there is an increased prevalence of adult and childhood obesity in Black and Latino populations in this country. What factors are  contributing to this disparity? What are some of the public health laws that have been enacted to address obesity in this country? What about in […]

Discuss the basic causes of tension between line and staff personnel and suggest several possible strategies you would implement as an administrator or as staff to reduce tension.

Discussion 3 Take each of Max Weber’s eight characteristics of the bureaucratic model (see attachments) and apply them to a police organization in Los Angeles, California. How many of them are applicable? (Hint, check your local agency’s website for additional assistance). Discuss the basic causes of tension between line and staff personnel and suggest several […]

Describe any water quality concerns about the sources of water supply City of Santa Paula in california .

Describe any water quality concerns about the sources of water supply City of Santa Paula in california . You can find this information in the UWMP and/or by googling “water quality concerns” or “water quality” and your study area name. Make sure you list sources.

How did the California government step in and handle this widespread problem?

This is the main question of the group for a digital storytelling project which we will do later and we are doing individual research papers for it now. – How did the government handle the drug crisis in California? With the ongoing war on drugs, how did the California government step in and handle this […]

How does Tillie see those already living in California, including Native Californians?

Read Jane Apostol’s An “Army Bride Goes West” about Matilda McKee, the bride of a military officer stationed in California in the 1860s. Answer the following questions in a typed, double-spaced document. Each response should be numbered to reflect the question answered and about a paragraph in length. How does the new bride prepare for […]

Determine the return on investment for evaluating (1) the earning power of the entire company and (2) the performance of each segment.

Description The following data pertain to the operating revenues and expenses for California, Inc. for 20XX. Los Angeles (LA) Segment San Francisco (SF) Segment Total Sales $180,000 $360,000 $540,000 Variable expenses 96,000 240,000 336,000 Direct fixed expenses 24,000 30,000 54,000 Indirect fixed expenses 72,000 Assets (investment) used to generate operating income for the two segments […]