How do capitalism and white supremacy go hand and hand in the shaping of California? Give two examples.

How do capitalism and white supremacy go hand and hand in the shaping of California? Give two examples. According to Natalia Molina, what does gentrification erase from neighborhoods like Echo Park? Give two examples. CA is most prominently understood as a progressive state, especially for LGBT rights. How do readings in this course complicate this […]

Demonstrate thorough knowledge of the topic using relevant, quality details that go beyond the obvious.

Instructions Write a research paper… Include a fictional case vignette describing an ethical situation that could occur during a research study with a child or adolescent. What ethical guidelines should researchers follow to ensure that the child/adolescent research participant is protected from undue risk? Please research and include the guidelines for assessing and reporting suspected […]

Explain,Do you think the minimum wage should be increased in California, as is proposed? Why or why not? Remember, many firms must give everyone raises when minimum wage increases to keep all their workers happy.

There has been much discussion lately regarding raising the minimum wage in many states and the federal minimum wage (President Obama, when in office, stated that he would like the federal minimum wage increased to $9 per hour but we have not seen any movement toward that goal, another proposal to gradually increase the federal […]

Write a word opinion piece about a Constitutional issue(freedom of speech)based on current events that impact state of California our local communities or our country.

Write a word opinion piece about a Constitutional issue(freedom of speech)based on current events that impact state of California our local communities or our country. 500 -800 word double spaced; follow all MLA rules for format ,provide a “working bibliography” showing sources for the evidence used. Must include four-line header: Name, instructor, course, and date(Use […]

Discuss Cultural Sensitivity & Emerging Cultural Competence

Respond to the following in a minimum of 250 words: – Conduct an internet search for information regarding racial, cultural, linguistic, and ethnic backgrounds of persons living in your state [Illinois] and in California, including information related to cultural sensitivity. – What insights do you have regarding this information? – How can you apply this […]

. Discuss laws in the State of California regarding end -of -life decisions and care. Describe the current laws in detail.

2. Discuss laws in the State of California regarding end -of -life decisions and care. Describe the current laws in detail. 3. Discuss “consent” in end-of-life decisions and care. Provide examples for illustration purposes. 4. Discuss whether healthcare ethics or institutional review boards participate in end-of –life decision and care issues. Discuss examples. 5. Discuss […]