What are some things about this class that are not working for you? Give specific examples.

HOMEWORK How do you feel that you are doing in the class? How do you like the way the class is set up? Give specific examples. What are some things about this class that are not working for you? Give specific examples. Provide some suggestions about how this class could be improved. COURSE OFFERINGS When […]

What contribution have you made to your current school and/or local community that best exemplifies your awareness of and commitment to creating a diverse, inclusive and equitable community?

USD Essay – Option 1 Option 1: What contribution have you made to your current school and/or local community that best exemplifies your awareness of and commitment to creating a diverse, inclusive and equitable community? Here at USD, we believe that our campus community and the communities we engage with are integral parts of who […]

Why are you interested in becoming a student ambassador at UF? and why are you interested in serving on the diversity committee-campus outreach committee

Student Ambassador application questions Below are the committees which will make up the Ambassador Program at the University of Florida: 1. Campus Outreach: Recruit prospective students and represent our programs on the UF campus. 2.Diversity & Inclusion: Foster understanding and support for our multicultural and international students. Answer the application questions below in oder to […]

Prepare a one-pager slide covering brief history, philosophy, and achievements

Hawaii Human Rights Hero Speak Truth to Power Hawaii Human Rights Hero a) research and write a similar article featuring the leader of Hawaii b) prepare a one-pager slide covering brief history, philosophy, and achievements c) present Hawaii Human Rights Hero to campus and community

Discuss an example of when you lead a change initiative at your campus that resulted in resistance to change or conflict.

EDD 643 Mod 4- Discussion: Strategies to Overcome Resistance or Conflict Discuss an example of when you lead a change initiative at your campus that resulted in resistance to change or conflict. What strategies did you use to overcome resistance or conflict?

What is the role of organizational structure and organizational culture in this case study?

EDD 643 Mod 3- SLP Respond to the following questions: • How might a cut in the college budget impact the vision for the campus? • What impact might there be when a “savior” president comes into a mature college? • How could you get buy-in to implement the decision-making model in operation at Strategic […]