If the United States were to permit importation of lower-cost pharmaceuticals from Canada, what safeguards should be enacted to help assure the safety and efficacy of the imports?

Read the “Should U.S. Imports of Prescription Drugs from Canada Be Widened?” case from Chapter 7, and answer to the following questions. It is important for you to read the chapter carefully before attempting to answer the assignment. The learning from reading the text must be reflected in your answers. Should the United States legalize […]

Describe the dietary or nutritional claim made in your article.

Find an article that makes a dietary or nutritional claim. Question 1: A copy of the online article must be submitted with your assignment (include a screen shot of the article, a picture of the article or copy and paste the article into a Microsoft Word document. A weblink to the article does not count). […]

Would you consider Boga government’s incentives to Syntax Electricals to be unfair trade practice? If yes, describe the unfair trade practice involved, and especially what makes it unfair.

Case Study 1 The small island state of Boga which comprises about 2 million inhabitants has recently been recovering from a civil war. Boga suffered serious economic decline throughout the period of the civil war. The country’s companies and other businesses also closed down as the civil war disrupted manufacturing. Its infrastructure was also totally […]

Would a flexible benefit program save this organization money if administered properly?

Topic: Technology Plus’s Benefit Dilemma Case Incident Technology Plus’s Benefit Dilemma To stay competitive, many organizations today are choos-ing to restructure their benefit programs. Technology Plus is an example of such a company. Technology Plus has 150 employees, including upper management, skilled tradespersons, sales representatives, and customer service representatives. Five years ago, this company was […]

Where does the health or medical topic fit within the Canadian health care system continuum-Provide rationale for your selection.

Submission of a Research Paper of a Health or Medical Topic Assignment Outline Submission of a Research Paper of a Health or Medical Topic Assignment A. Project Plan and Research Paper 1. Program/Topic Selection. You will choose 2 health or medical topics of interest to you and notify your instructor as outlined above. These could […]

How might the product features in the U.S. ad be priced differently in an international market?

Ram Ad Campaign 1. Conduct research and evaluate a U.S. advertising campaign/commercial/ad/video. U.S ad link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlxlXI4DnsI 2. In the attached APA formatted document, identify how each of the following components of a U.S. advertising campaign might need to be adapted to an international market. Each of the bulleted items below should be a heading in […]

What are some of their concerns about the effects of these double standards on young Muslim women?

This Essay is based on the topic Women and Community Step 1: Read carefully the following essays: Zine, J. (2008, Spring). Honour and identity: An ethnographic account of Muslim girls in a Canadian Islamic school. Topia, 19, 35–61. Mcmurray, A. (2008). Hotep and hip-hop: Can black Muslim women be down with hip-hop? Meridians: Feminism, race, […]

Discuss and critically analyze the ways in which Western colonial understandings of sexuality do not represent how refugees and people outside of Canada define, act upon, and express their sexualities.

Sexual Minority Refugee Claims Discuss and critically analyze the ways in which Western colonial understandings of sexuality do not represent how refugees and people outside of Canada define, act upon, and express their sexualities. How could the refugee process be changed to better accommodate sexual minority refugee claimants? (In 500 WORDS)

What action(s) took place that were the main cause for the situation? Summarize the decision of the court. Do you consider the decision fair or unfair and explain why?

Case study: Guerin v. The Queen, Supreme Court of Canada, 1984 What action(s) took place that were the main cause for the situation? Summarize the decision of the court. Do you consider the decision fair or unfair and explain why? Discuss and interpret the effects that the decision(s) have on the following: 1) natural resource […]