provide a comprehensive review of Nancy Fraser’s article, entitled “From Redistribution to Recognition?

Topic: A Critical Review of Nancy Fraser Article You will each provide a comprehensive review of Nancy Fraser’s article, entitled “From Redistribution to Recognition? Dilemmas of Justice in a ‘Post-Socialist Age’ ” with a focus on how its central points relate to the state of ethno racial relations in Canadian society. Your review and critique […]

How have the treatment approaches changed over time regarding the GAD disorder?

History of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy(CBT) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder Background/history of treatment- CBT history of GAD disorder. How have the treatment approaches changed over time regarding the GAD disorder? Appropriateness of treatment for the population being discussed. Focusing on prevalence rates in Canadian society. When does onset happen, is there any population that is more […]

Describe the major classical theories of crime, including the significance of their socio-historical context.

Learning Outcomes  On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to: 1.) Describe the major classical theories of crime, including the significance of their socio-historical context. This would encompass a.) Being familiar with the various schools of early criminological thought; b.) Understanding the key terminology, concepts and methodologies used by       classical […]