Can you think of any questions you found irrelevant or inappropriate for the position in which you were interviewing?  

Recruitment and Interviewing Recruitment and Interviewing are key components of selecting the right applicant for an open position.  Most organizations utilize a structured interview verses a non-structured interview.  You are the VP of Human Resources for a 250 bed Community hospital and are instructed to recruit for an experienced Director of Quality Assurance. What forums […]

Explain the purpose of political parties and the two-party system that characterized American Politics for most of the nation’s history

1) Explain the purpose of political parties and the two-party system that characterized American Politics for most of the nation’s history (At least 200 words). 2) Choose and discuss a U.S. Supreme Court case related to your chosen constitutional right- be sure to explain how/why it is relevant (At least 200 words). 3) Select one […]

Open the document below and read through the case brief.

Luhmann Restraint and Activism Step 1: Open the document below and read through the case brief. You will be able to answer the prompt after reading through the second document Unit 2_ Activism & Restraint.docx Download Unit 2_ Activism & Restraint.docx Step 2: Open the document below and read through the descriptions of the judicial […]

How would you assess wheter the job candidates possess these qualifications?

Developing and Managing Human Services By now, you have a good sense of how your hypothetical program will work. As you completed the previous chapter, you designed an organizational chart to fulfill your program’s mission. Now it is time to consider the kinds of jobs that will fit your organization. Identify key jobs that will […]

Discuss ways to attract qualified candidates and list two interview questions you may want ask your potential hires.

Developing a Global Management As an HR manager in the healthcare industry, discuss ways to attract qualified candidates and list two interview questions you may want ask your potential hires. What is the benefit of asking each of two questions? Also, list two additional questions that you should NOT ask of potential hires during a […]

Do such factors as the demographic composition of the workforce of the company matter? Explain.

Unit 5 Discussion Comp Management A strong compensation and benefits system can enable an organization to balance between providing competitive market wages to attract high-quality candidates that will stay with the organization and yet keeping to an adequate spending budget. Many compensation professionals are faced with making choices about which discretionary benefits to drop because […]

What types of offenders are ideal candidates for these types of treatments?

Written assignment on strategies for classifying and treating offenders (10-12 pages) Based on the seven (7) types of offender rehabilitation treatments: •Psychological •Behavior •Social •Educational/vocational •Substance abuse •Sex offender •Religious How should offenders and treatment needs be determined and classified? These programs have been proven to assist numerous offender populations, but there are no clear […]

What questions and concerns do you have about their hiring decision?

Primary Post: Write a memo to your fellow hiring committee team members that identifies your 1 pick for the Project Manager job and explains your decision. Your memo should include all of the necessary components, clarify its specific purpose, and address the audience’s needs. For more information about how to write memos, see our textbook. […]

What questions and concerns do you have about their hiring decision?

Everything that is needed for the assignment/discussion is in each image attached. To complete this assignment, you must do the following: Identify a specific process that interests you. This process may involve cooking, crafting, or sports, or even setting up a game, app, or online program, etc. The more focused, the better! If you aren’t […]

Explain what compensation, benefits, and incentives the company may offer candidates, citing applicable local, state, and federal law.

Assignment 1: Recruitment and Retention Management Brief Overview Recruitment and retention laws can vary between levels of government. For example, some localities require higher minimum wages than the federal standard because of local livable wage ordinances (local laws). In this assignment, you’ll identify, research, and discuss general federal and local laws affecting recruitment and retention. […]