would you recommend contracting education to private organizations (outsourcing) be implemented in a low-income country and why?

Policy Brief 2 The policy brief should be between one and two pages ( read the article posted on Canvas related to outsourcing education in low- and middle- income countries and the following article: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2016-08-09/worldwide-public-education- is-up-for-sale Using these two sources (or any others brought up in lecture), write a policy brief that states your position […]

Explain how the theorist employs and defines each of the four concepts that comprise the nursing metaparadigm within the selected middle range theory

Assignment 2: Middle Rasps Nunlike Theories Paper (25 ‘,Mitte) Theories are patterns that guide the thinking about, being, and doing of nursing. Theories provide Menure to nursing practice and research. Theories guide nursing practice, stimulate creative thhildng, facilitate communication, and at the same time clarify purposes. A metaparadigm is a global concept of a disciple […]

How often do you think tax professionals have corporate clients you are too aggressive with their tax strategies?

When is a corporate tax strategy too aggressive? Read the 2-page article included in Canvas on Aggressive Tax Strategies under the Files – Packback folder. Find an example of a corporation that committed tax fraud with an inappropriate tax strategy. Describe the fraud. How often do you think tax professionals have corporate clients you are […]

What can cause this balance in the suspense account?

Data Analytics SQL In-class Assignment Answer Sheet Requirements:  Answer the following questions and upload it to In class Assignment on Canvas. What can cause this balance in the suspense account? (Hint: there are 3 main causes) 2.Let’s create 3 reports analyzing these problems. Insert Screenshot of Report 1: PPV over $$$ Insert Screenshot of Report […]

Explain how the environment in which they grow up influence’s children’s heredity.

Answer the questions in 1-2 paragraphs, using complete sentences. Prepare your assignment in Word.turn in your assignment using Canvas. 1. Define qualitative and quantitative research. Explain the difference between them, using examples. 2. If you were a physician advising a woman whether she should become pregnant, what advice would be appropriate if she were 15, […]

write (in the Canvas text entry submission for this task) how you will/would improve your own resume or CV based on the information provided in the video.

Complete a video viewing and task by October 4 on improving your CV/Resume (the video & task will be in Canvas). Presentation by a Career Services Specialist. After watching the required video on Resumes, write (in the Canvas text entry submission for this task) how you will/would improve your own resume or CV based on […]

What did you find surprising, interesting, or difficult to understand in the two articles?

For this assignment, read through the two articles posted for Week 1 on Canvas. Once you’re done, respond to the following three questions: 1. What is the difference between religion and spirituality? 2. Why do people seek out new forms of spirituality? 3. What did you find surprising, interesting, or difficult to understand in the […]

Explain the chosen shopping motives in your own words.

Topic: Store Choice and Purchase Journal Step 1: Research & Reflect Choose one of the discussion prompts below to research and write about.don’t forget to create a relevant title at the top of your post so we know what prompt you have chosen. Shopping Orientation – Why do People Shop? Choose two shopping motives (one […]

Do you see any similarities in the flops?

Read about company product flops. Do you see any similarities in the flops? What can companies do to protect against flops? What flop shocked you the most? Respond to two peers. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/12/19/biggest-product-flops-of-the-year/40845703/ (Links to an external site.) https://www.cbinsights.com/research/corporate-innovation-product-fails/ (Links to an external site.) https://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/the-21-worst-product-flops-of-all-time.html Then in another document If you’re going to conduct marketing research, […]

What are the core values that drive your life? Include at least three and describe how your values set the foundation for your leadership standard now or in the future

Topic: Written Assignment: Personal Integrity Report Integrity Reports MBA 611 Written Assignment: Leading with Integrity Read the blog linked in Canvas to James Clear’s annual “Integrity Report.” This blog is by James Clear, a business journalist, author, and blogger who studies successful people across a wide range of disciplines. The author developed an “Integrity Report” […]