What are some of the drawbacks of using the business model canvas? Why? Explain in more detail.

Discussion Board 1. this is a discussion board. answer the following question: What are some of the drawbacks of using the business model canvas? Why? Explain in more detail. (does not have to be very long answer) its a simple discussion board 2. then give feedback to these two discussion posts. (again doesn’t have to […]

Summarize both research articles, briefly. Who were the subjects? What were the procedures? What were the results? This should be a separate, short section.

1. You must choose some bit of current news of interest to you THAT IS RELATED TO PSYCHOLOGY AND TO A CHAPTER COVERED DURING THE SEMESTER. It must be from a reliable news source– any type of media is fine: television, newspaper article, online news website, or an organization’s website. You may not use a […]

Explain what excited you or caught your attention to this particular video demonstration and why?

Description Complete the SnapShot activity: (500 words) Select a moist cooking technique to learn more about. Use the internet to find a short video that depicts the best representation of your understanding of these techniques. Please answer the following questions and upload the activity assignment in Canvas for instructor review. Please remember to post your […]