What was the role of information technology at Deutsche Bank? How was IT related to the bank’s operational efficiency, decision-making capability, and business strategy?

What was the role of information technology at Deutsche Bank? How was IT related to the bank’s operational efficiency, decision-making capability, and business strategy? Was Deutsche Bank using technology effectively to pursue its business strategy? ​Class is Information management

What are the current trends related to ERP adoption-Who are adopting-why are they adopting;

Enterprise Resource Planning systems have been around since 1990s; hence all organizations should have some sort of ERP package. Against this background write a report that analyses the market for ERP software. The report should attempt to answer the following questions: • What are the current trends related to ERP adoption? o Who are adopting […]

What role does the Board of Directors play in strategic management-What are some common problems found in board management?

Strategic Management Exam What is strategy? What is a core competency? What is a capability? How do these produce a competitive advantage for a firm? How do vision and mission statements differ in purpose and content? Explain in detail the Five Forces Model of Michael Porter. Explain in detail the five generic business-level strategies including […]