Discuss how you can disseminate our science to promote application in sustainability.

Behavior Change for a Sustainable World There are so many ways to use ABA. To name a few, working with individuals with autism and developmental disabilities, organizational behavior management (OBM), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and even sustainability. Dr. William Heward presented Behavior Change for a Sustainable World [Webinar] to the Capella Society of ABA. […]

Provide a rationale for why you have selected this tool for your indirect assessment.

Part 1: Selecting the Tool or Method Considering the highest priority problem behavior from your last assignment, select a method to conduct the indirect assessment. You can choose from a variety of tools such as the FAST, FAI, QABF, MAS, or the IISCA Open-Ended Interview. If you choose a survey or a checklist, your indirect […]

Identify two instruments that could be used to assess and evaluate the proposed practice change.

The Value of a Research Critique to Translate Evidence into Practice Follow guidelines from previous assessments to write an introduction paragraph to provide organization for the paper. Write in the third person, adhering to conventions of academic tone. Reference Capella Writing Center: Tone and writing in third person. Identify two instruments that could be used […]

Describe the effects of local, state, and federal policies or legislation on your nursing scope of practice, within the context of technology, care coordination, and community resources.

Assessing the Problem: Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources Consideration In a 5-7 page written assessment, determine how health care technology, coordination of care, and community resources can be applied to address the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. In addition, plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours exploring these aspects of the […]

Describe how growth in the case you selected is created from either an economy of scope or scale.

The focus of this discussion is on understanding the differences between economies of scale and economies of scope. What are the key differences? Use these concepts to determine whether gains from economies of scale or gains from economies of scope were the principal reason behind a merger or acquisition. Also see the help provided in […]

Describe your role as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse supervising clinical staff nurses with regard to communication and collaboration in locating evidence for application to a nursing practice scenario.

  Topic: Locating Credible Databases and Research Create a 2-4 page resource that will describe databases that are relevant to EBP around a diagnosis you chose and could be used to help a new hire nurse better engage in EBP. Scenario You are supervising three nurses working on the medical-surgical floor of a local teaching […]

Describe the motivating operations (MO) you plan to use, and explain how they may affect Sammy’s progress as he learns the song.

Overview Shaping is a procedure used in ABA to teach a behavior not currently in the client’s repertoire. We begin by identifying a prerequisite skill the client is capable of performing. Successive approximations are designed to produce a series of gradually changing response classes each response class is a successive approximation toward a terminal behavior. […]

Describe how you plan to use your education to better your community or help others to help themselves, and how receiving this scholarship will support you in doing so?

The essay questions will be evaluated based on relevance of the content, clarity of purpose, and writing style. star that indicates required field All six honorees cared greatly about the success of Capella learners and most were heavily involved in bettering their communities and others. Tell us a bit about yourself, what has shaped your […]

What would you consider one of your greatest professional successes and what was the impact that it made? How did your success demonstrate your ability to solve problems and develop solutions in order to benefit your organization?Discuss

1[ Minimum 250 to Maximum 750 words. This essay: 0 ] the star that indicates required field Dr. Ford, in particular, fulfilled the desire of being heavily involved in bettering the community by helping others to help themselves. Describe how you plan to use your education to better your community or help others to help […]