What is the “invisible hand of peace” and how and under what conditions does capitalism bring peace?

Reading assignment Read the assigned pages (pp. 1–76) of Patrick J. McDonald, The Invisible Hand of Peace: Capitalism, The War Machine, and International Relations Theory, and answer the question that the author tries to answer in this book: What is the “invisible hand of peace” and how and under what conditions does capitalism bring peace? […]

How will you incorporate these best practices into your leadership team formation?

Challenges of new venture start-up leadership teams One of the basic tenets of Conscious Capitalism in Conscious Leadership “Human social organizations are created and guided by leaders people who see a path and inspire others to travel along the path” (Conscious Capitalism, 2021, p 3). Achieving a high degree of competence in Conscious Leadership, you […]

Why do you suppose these films and The Dream is Now were made?

Topic: American Dream or Nightmare: Capitalism, Immigration, Precarity, and The Struggle for a Better Life Read the full paper’s instruction/ prompt attached document below. [Film 1] The Dream is Now, Joaquin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqYptDgq3T0 [Film 2] The Dream is Now, Joaquin [Film 3] A Better Life, Carlos Search Google to read a summary of this films! [Prompt] […]

How did their efforts seek to ameliorate the most negative effects of industrialization, urbanization, and unregulated capitalism?

The period between 1890 and 1918 saw sweeping changes in American society due to the rise of Progressivism and the evolution of public health. For your discussion, this week, consider what the text and the primary sources for Chapter 20, the Tomes chapter on the Gospel of Germs, and the documentary on the Poison Squad […]

What are those behaviors, and how do stakeholders benefit from the company’s conscious capitalism initiatives?

125 words each questions cite & reference all sources used. 1.) Good companies adopt the marketing concept and focus on serving and satisfying their customers. Great companies take additional steps to ensure ethical behaviors that serve all stakeholders. Watch the video “Social Responsibility and Conscious Capitalism.” How does Dr. Gibb define conscious capitalism? Identify a […]