How might this position be defended utilizing the material that we have read for this week’s session?

In a capitalist and democratic society there are certain realities that exist as a result of ones social class, race/ethnicity, and/or gender. Situated in the realm of social control, there are those that have argued that the criminal justice system maintains itself as a mechanism of social control due to the functional nature of crime. […]

How has Karl Marx’s analysis of class been borne out by history? Which aspects of Marxian class theory remain useful and which must be rethought?

Choose ONE question from the following list of questions: 1. Select any two theorists we have studied and compare and contrast their different approaches to the study of class. 2. How has Karl Marx’s analysis of class been borne out by history? Which aspects of Marxian class theory remain useful and which must be rethought? […]

Explain, Funding is an important decision for entrepreneurs. How are women affected during the venture capital funding process? Why is this a problem for female entrepreneurs?

The X Factor Topic: Women entrepreneurs, EV funding In today’s business climate, entrepreneurial activity is strong. It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur. More than ever, the people seizing entrepreneurial opportunities are women.42 But while it may be a great time to be an entrepreneur, do men and women face the same challenges and an […]