Give the definition of the following Vital Signs Medical Terminology: Apical Pulse; Auscultation; Blood Pressure; Bradycardia; Bradypnea; Cardiac arrest; Diastolic Blood Pressure; Dyspnea; Fever; Hypertention ; Hypotention; Inspection; Palpation; Percussion; Pulse; Pulse Point; Pulse Pressure; Respiration; Sign; Symptoms; Systolic Blood Pressure; Tachycardia; Tachypnea; Temperature; and Vital Signs.

Type a brief essay on Vital Signs – include the following: 1) Give the definition of the following Vital Signs Medical Terminology: Apical Pulse; Auscultation; Blood Pressure; Bradycardia; Bradypnea; Cardiac arrest; Diastolic Blood Pressure; Dyspnea; Fever; Hypertention ; Hypotention; Inspection; Palpation; Percussion; Pulse; Pulse Point; Pulse Pressure; Respiration; Sign; Symptoms; Systolic Blood Pressure; Tachycardia; Tachypnea; […]