Create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the normalized version of this table using Visio’s crows-foot notation.

To demonstrate your understanding of using ERDs and solving the multi-column problem Assignment: This is a continuation of the previous Assignment 3 as an example of a horrible database design. Create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the normalized version of this table using Visio’s crows-foot notation. The ERD should show the PK and FK […]

Explain and distinct between disjoint and overlapping constraints.

Question One Design an ER diagram for the following Dental Clinic database. Your diagram should have all the needed details. You may make any reasonable assumptions but you have to state them clearly. Design an Entity Relationship (ER) Model to represent the above requirements.   (2 Marks) Convert the ER Diagram that presented in part-1 […]

Explain the problem and the reason(s) a database is needed-Provide a conceptual data model for the planned database.

Course Project Data Base Plan This 2-to-4 page paper presents a database plan for a nursing or healthcare problem dealt with in the past or active in the present. Explain the problem and the reason(s) a database is needed. Provide a conceptual data model for the planned database. Name all the entities planned for the […]

Discuss the nature of the problem situation as you see it, distinguishing between hard and soft system elements

Information system in organisation Discuss the nature of the problem situation as you see it, distinguishing between hard and soft system elements 2. Provide a rich picture of the situation the MBA Director faces in creating an alumni system that meets stakeholder needs 3. Set out, as you see it, the system needs, the roles […]