How these processes interact to affect the patient.

Topic: Alterations in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems CASE STUDY A 76-year-old female patient complains of weight gain, shortness of breath, peripheral edema, and abdominal swelling. She has a history of congestive heart failure and admits to not taking her diuretic, as it makes her “have to get up every couple hours to go to […]

What are the recommended medications to start this specific patient on?provide the drug class, generic & trade name, and initial starting dose. 

Topic: Cardiovascular, Hematopoietic, Renal Provide your responses and rationales. Support your rationales with high-level evidence. (See Post Expectations) Mrs. Lyons is a 57-year-old African American female who recently developed headaches and had an elevated blood pressure reading at her work health fair. When she had her blood pressure taken at the health fair the reading […]

Describe how children/youth differ physiologically from adults/older adults with respect to the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and muscular systems.

lifespan coach What are the primary physiological differences between children/youth and adults/older adults, and how do these differences specifically affect exercise assessment and program design? Describe how children/youth differ physiologically from adults/older adults with respect to the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and muscular systems.

Write Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.

Topic: Alteration in cardiovascular and respiratory system is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment Case study scenario for this Assignment; Scenario 1: 76-year-old female patient complains of weight gain, shortness of breath, peripheral edema, and abdominal swelling. She has a history of congestive heart failure and admits to not taking her diuretic, […]

Explain The cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following • The cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms. • Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning. • How these processes interact to affect the patient. Case Study: 45-year-old woman presents with chief complaint of […]

Explain why or why not the assessments used in this report were valid and/or reliable. What are some possible reasons for the difference between the hypothesis and your results?

Introduction (15 pts) – Explain how improving your fitness can change the quality and quantity of your life. How can getting fit decrease your chances of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, stress, or addiction. How can getting fit enhance your happiness, career opportunities, or family enjoyment. (don’t give your opinion, give facts that you have […]

Explain how you could incorporate exercises and physical activity into a daily school routine when you become teachers that builds cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and muscular strength.

1. Write a comprehensive essay stating how you could incorporate exercises and physical activity into a daily school routine when you become teachers that builds cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and muscular strength. Include a thorough explanation of why you chose particular exercises and particular times for its incorporation. 2. Write a summary of your findings (in […]

Discuss At what age-range do we see the most dramatic changes occurring?

Directions: This assignment will require you to type directly in this worksheet. For Part I, you will describe 3-4 key physical changes that generally take place within each system during that particular age range. 75 word per box should suffice, and bullet points are preferred over long sentences. An example is included in RED. Note- […]

Describe four cardiovascular conditions that may lead to heart failure and what can be done in the form of medical/nursing interventions to prevent the development of heart failure in each condition.

Provide a brief introduction of what you will be writing about within the body of the paper. This paragraph should include a thesis statement. Clinical Manifestations Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mrs. J. Appropriate Nursing Interventions at Admission Discuss whether the nursing interventions at the time of her admissions were appropriate for Mrs. J. […]

Using credible sources, identify a disease or disorder that disrupts the cardiovascular system. Be sure to discuss what the disease or disorder is, how it impacts the cardiovascular system, and ultimately how it impacts daily life for a person with this disease or disorder.

Using credible sources, identify a disease or disorder that disrupts the cardiovascular system. Be sure to discuss what the disease or disorder is, how it impacts the cardiovascular system, and ultimately how it impacts daily life for a person with this disease or disorder. Be sure to cite your sources following guidelines. Credible sources include […]