Identify all facilities, organisations and professionals Liam and his parents will have to access/interact with to achieve his treatment goals. Correctly identify primary and secondary elements of care and relevant referral process.

Assessment Task 2: Complex care case study Criteria: HD 20-17% D 16.9-15% C 14.9-13% P 12.9-10% N 9.9-0% Mark (%) Assessment content (variable criteria and weighting) Complex care team LO: 1 Identify all facilities, organisations and professionals Liam and his parents will have to access/interact with to achieve his treatment goals. Correctly identify primary and […]

Analyze how health care financing has impacted your practice as a nurse.

write 500–700 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Analyze how health care financing has impacted your practice as a nurse. Discuss the following: What changes have […]

Describe the importance of understanding and using appropriate health care medical terminology in your current or future career.

Identify 10 terms that are important for all healthcare professionals to understand. Explain these 10 terms in a way a non-medical person could understand. Write a 500- to 750-word summary that describe the importance of understanding and using appropriate health care medical terminology in your current or future career.

Identify the area or outcome of concern, including causes from the fishbone analysis

Develop a one to two-page proposal to improve care or a process in the chosen area or outcome. Use evidence-based practice research to support your proposal and recommendations (5+ strong peer reviewed journal articles [at least 2] and other articles or high level web based evidence [eg .gov sources]). • Describe how you would implement […]