Describe strategies for using mentoring to facilitate professional/career  development in the context of nursing education

Week 3: Relationships That Foster Growth – Mentors and Preceptors Isaac Newton’s scientific work in the 1700s led to a great deal of understanding about physics. Allegedly struck in the head by a falling apple, Newton went on to develop theories that explain why anything with mass (like an apple) is attracted toward the source […]

What did you learn about your future career identity? Are you surprised by the results?

This 14-question Self-Assessment helps to clarify your career visions and plans. Questions on mental pictures of the future, engagement in a particular behavior, and moving up in organizations are presented. Answer the following: 1. What did you learn about your future career identity? Are you surprised by the results? The Mission Statement—“What Is Your Reason […]

What have you learned in the course that will help you continue to grow as a professional in your chosen career?

1. What have you learned in the course that will help you continue to grow as a professional in your chosen career? 2. Which specific assignment for this course was your best work? Name one. What makes it your best work? What did you learn by creating it? What does it say about you as […]

Why is it important to involve parents and other community members in the elementary school career guidance program? Give at least two examples.

Respond to Module 4 Discussion Questions. Answer all parts of the question in a brief, concise, well developed and thoughtful paragraph. 1. Why is it important to involve parents and other community members in the elementary school career guidance program? Give at least two examples. 2. In your opinion, the most resistant group to career-related […]

Describe your qualifications for graduate study in the field of Business Administration

Paper details: 500 WORD PERSONAL STATEMENT: Describe why you are interested in obtaining an MBA Describe your qualifications for graduate study in the field of Business Administration Describe your career goals and how this program will help you achieve your goals

Discuss,How could an increased awareness of information processing, your learning style, and your attention and self-regulation strategies potentially affect your performance in your academic journey?

Metacognition is the ability to be aware of and regulate one’s thought processes, which may improve one’s ability to effectively process information. Consider the benefits of being more aware of your own learning needs and how it might affect both your personal and professional goals. In your initial post, discuss the following: How could an […]

Develop and employ ethical sales practices during the sales process Career Relevancy Throughout your career as a sales professional, you will face many ethical dilemmas. How you respond to them can make or break your career. Understanding ethical sales practices now can help you make wise choices later.

Week 4 Assignment – Ethical Sales Dilemmas Learning Objectives Covered: LO 05.03 – Identify potential ethical dilemmas associated with sales LO 05.04 – Develop and employ ethical sales practices during the sales process Career Relevancy Throughout your career as a sales professional, you will face many ethical dilemmas. How you respond to them can make […]

What is the average salary? What is the approximate average starting salary? Compare the salary in a couple of different cities. Include information on the cost of living. You can visit Sperling’s Best Places/ to do a quick cost of living comparison for your two cities.

Labor Market Research Project: The Labor Market is the market in which workers compete for jobs and employers compete for workers. Understanding the factors that affect the labor market of careers is an important factor in determining your stability and opportunity for growth in career fields. The purpose of this assignment is to research and […]

Compare at least two of the tools, examining advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Written Assignment 5 Sometime in the course of your education or your career you will probably be asked to lead or participate in a presentation. You’ll find it valuable to know the options available for presenting information to a group in a clear and engaging manner. Read the lesson material as well as the articles […]

Create a career goal statement and discuss a breakdown of your GRIT results.

For this assignment you will create a career goal statement and discuss a breakdown of your GRIT results. Grit Results Attached.I have include info to access to the blackboard so you can access the results of the work I have already completed .Personality and Careers ESTJ ,Holland Personality Type SIE. Transferable Skills Administrative, Interpersonal relations […]