Write a magazine article including pictures and /or other illustrations, in which you present your own opinion on Haiti’s current affairs by

 Question 1. View the following two video news reports from mainstream media outlets on current affairs in Haiti. 2. Acting as a Caribbean journalist for the fictional magazine, The Caribbean Today, write a magazine article including pictures and /or other illustrations, in which you present your own opinion on Haiti’s current affairs by Discussing the […]

Write a four to 5 pages review and summary  article about the Caribbean or Central America from the website for the North American Congress of Latin America (NACLA) and submit a short review.

Write a four to 5 pages review and summary  article about the Caribbean or Central America from the website for the North American Congress of Latin America (NACLA) and submit a short review.  

What this cartoon is about and what values it expresses.

Prepare a discussion where you explain, based on your readings, what this cartoon is about and what values it expresses. To do this, adopt the role of ONE of the following individuals and explain who that person was and how that person viewed the events behind this cartoon. 1.Albert Beveridge (Historian and Republican Senator from […]

How have Caribbean disapora communities contributed towards the growth of a diverse, multicultural society in Britain post 1945?

1 How did empire influence migration to Britain? Discuss in relation to either migration during the time of empire (18th-early 20th century) or migration after decolonisation (post 1945) Evaluate the reasons for expansion of the British Empire in India during the 19th century How have historians studied the presence of colonial subjects in Bntain? Discuss […]

How do you think closer ties between our two countries might affect Cuba and the United States in the future-Discuss.

Assignment 4 One significant development in U.S. international relations in recent years has been its evolving relationship with Cuba, a country located in the Caribbean region (Chapter 5). Changes in U.S.-Cuba relations tie in very well with the theme of globalization that you focused on in the last discussion forum. Before posting to this week’s […]

Explain in detail the evolution of the steel band from West African hand drums through the rise of the whole steel band family around 1951

Explain in detail how elements of early Caribbean music, hand drumming and lavways (call and response chant to accompany stick-fighting), carried over to the calypso genre as well as to the steel bands. Explain in detail the effects of colonization and/or power differentials (slavery/ indentured servitude) on the steel band tradition (and its precursors). Explain […]

How would the island’s geography affect the life of the Arawak?

Topic: The Taino Read and watch the Overview Work on research paper- it’s due in week four Examine the following: This is a nice video on the scenic Caribbean. One can see the attraction of the environment to hunters and gatherers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbtpt-WYgDM This site gives a really nice overview of the Arawaks: http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/43a/100.html This is […]

What were the intellectual debates/local or global policies/programmes that were taking place around the time of the author’s writing-the time or topic that they are writing about?

The Third World in Global Development Using the reading Escobar, A. 1995. Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World. Princeton: Princeton University Press Analyse Chapter 1 ONLY and: 1. Explain the argument of the piece. (1 slide) 2. What were the intellectual debates/local or global policies/programmes that were taking place around the […]

How would you characterize the relationship between Cuba-the United States-Explain your answer-be specific.

Caribbean Studies questions Briefly, discuss the history of the Chinese appearance in the Caribbean. Why do governments in the Caribbean seek out and accept aide from China? How would you characterize the relationship between Cuba and the United States? Explain your answer and be specific. Describe and discuss three (3) effects of tourism on the […]