What you have learned about anthropology and ethnography so far and how this approach differs from others you have encountered

  1.Choose an image (photograph/cartoon) from one of the articles/books/chapters you have read on this course that has been meaningful to you. Write about it, with reference to your reading of one or more articles, explaining its particular relevance to you and what you are learning. ( find the image on the week 6 reading materials)  

How has cartoonist Doug MacGregor used the cartoon at the top of this page to illustrate the current status of the quality of South Florida’s water flow? That is, how has he used the map, colors, shapes, etc. to tell this story?

A. Read these online stories and view the video as background prior to participating in his Forum. Do not participate in the discussion without having this background knowledge. Big Sugar Hires 64 Lobbyists in Tallahassee Bittersweet: The Sugar Industry in South Florida Florida Legislature Passes Everglades Restoration Bill – May 2017 Lake Okeechobee: A Time […]